music week

Top Ten Best Shows of 2008 (in no particular order!!)

1. LOUDLOVE! I saw Loudlove play at "The Horseshoe Tavern" on a Monday night... I slipped and sloshed all the way from the East End of Toronto to get to that show and what an amazing night. I LOVE Loudlove, they are one of my FAVOURITE bands EVER. One thing for sure, they get me dancing every time and THAT doesn't happen very often. 2. JOSE GONZALEZ! I had the pleasure of being introduced to this brilliant singer from Sweden for the first time at The Ottawa Bluesfest this past summer. There was a MIGHTY crowd at The Black Sheep Stage all singing along to his songs... he was SOLO with Guitar and there was a Trumpet player hanging out near the soundboard blowing away... it was a truly special moment and my favourite of all the Bluesfest performances!!

3. JENN GRANT! This was during Canadian Music Week and the show was at The Rivoli in Toronto. I don't know what it was about this night, but SOMEthing was in the air. It really felt like Love... she was on fire and singing like the siren she is. A De-Lovely and Unique voice indeed!!

4. Peter Voith, Shawn Tavenier, Anders Drerup, Tyler Kealey, Ben Cooper, Eric Eggleston, Jeff Rogers! This was the best show I have ever taken part in. Called "Wailing for Wheels" it was a charity event at The Bronson Centre in Ottawa for Muscular Dystrophy. Seeing all of these Ottawa Musicians perform for the FIRST time ever, I was blown away, we did a few numbers together at the end, I was so full of excitement, I tripped off the side of the stage.... an awe-inspiring night, one that reminds you that it's ALL worth it!!

5. JON & NATHAN PILASKI! This wasn't quite a "concert" to the definition, but there is a great Trad Session in Toronto at "Dora Keogh's"  which I attend occassionally to play the Irish Drum, a Bodhran or to sing an old Traditional Irish song or two. One night I happened upon this great little nook and the Irish Dancing Brothers team were in the pub having a good ole pint of Guinness, as you do... well after a few, we talked them into doing a wee dance for us. Our own private tap/step dance!! Considering they dance on tour with "The Chieftans" this was an honour!!

6. KOBOTOWN! These guys are truly WONDERFUL. Serious dancing, singing music. I held a 'Guerilla Showcase' room during this great music conference 'Ontario Council of Folk Festivals' (OCFF), where I asked only Ottawa musicians to take part, and these guys just blew me (and others!) away... I played their CD over and over and over... and I can STILL listen to it!!!

7. NORTH ATLANTIC FIDDLERS! This summer in St. John's Newfoundland, they had the Folk Festival, the Buskers Festival, George Street Festival, Regatta Day and the North Atlantic Fiddlers Convention all around the same time! I happened to be playing in the Folk Festival and spent a lot of time traipsing about! "Nautical Nellies" on Water Street was home to all the Fiddlers night after night... well, THIS brought out all types of players; mandolins, bouzoukis, guitars, tin whistles, bodhrans, flutes, voices...  al together in the madness of tunes and song. It was simply fantabulous!

8. JULLY BLACK! What a THRILL it was to see Jully ON FIRE at The Black Sheep Inn, in Wakefield Quebec, this small cozy venue was filled to the brim with this woman's bursting voice. She did a cover of "Blue Rodeo's 'TRY'" I mean this was un real... I used to think I could sing until I saw her ablaze in passion that night! What an inspiration... really.

9. THE SADIES! They played on my birthday so the night was already gonna be swell. What I didn't know was HOW AMAZING they were going to be! Strumming and slapping out their tunes at "Barrymore's" in Ottawa, made us all sweat fireworks. What a rush!

10. SHEESHAM & LOTUS! This 'Dynamic Duo" is ultimately one of the most unparalled pair I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. You MUST tear yourself away from whatever gets in your path if these guys come to town! They played and marched and danced out fabulous sound at "Kaffe 1870" in Wakefield Quebec...their sound is 'old soul meets ragtime meets magnificence. Find them. NOW!!

Hope you enjoyed my choices... there were so many shows that were ultimately GREAT.... and maybe I've missed out mentioning a few.. but here you go... Last Minute Lindsay Picks...

Razor Blade Swallows...

It's been some time now since I have written! I apologize to the readers out there who are in search for something new in the Blog department of the 'Cyber-World'. But, alas, such is life... it has a way of moving stealthily away from us at times! I write to you from the base of the Swiss Alps! With a fiery throat no less. For the last two weeks, there have been many preparations to get me here... it was all a very last minute trip, and if you saw my bedroom two weeks ago, you would have wondered if it were possible to get me here so fast! It's amazing though, how when you settle on a decision, how fast life can actually change! I have always been a "Last-minute-Lindsay" type of girl, and when the opportunity arose, for me to break away from my Canadian life to go on a "wrting new music" term, I jumped at it, and for two weeks I was running around to get things organized, playing three gigs the same week that I hopped on a flight to Switzerland was no easy task, not to mention all the other things life throws at you... I won't go into detail about those things, but the gigs went smashingly and now, here I sit with my black coffee listening to the church bells ring out in Luzern. I will be back in my home and native land in the middle of January with plans to head out to Halifax for the "In the Dead of Winter" music festival at the end of the month, then back to Ontario Land for Canadian Music Week in February. In the meantime I will live it up as best as possible here in this wonderful world of Chocolate and Cheese!! When I get back, there will be new songs.... I am hoping that 2009 will bring me the opportunity to record anothe r full-length album, and when it does, I will be ready. I hope life treats you all well and kind and I will keep you posted with Swiss-isms when I can... Hugs from afar, Lindsay xo

To be Continued!!

Greetings you fine people out there. What an incredible Canadian Music Week in Toronto. I had no idea how HUGE this week was going to be. It was an enormous gigantic rush of people in the music industry, all with the same agenda; talk, listen, learn & play!!! What wonderful things to have in common with one another. The energy was great, I just couldn't believe how friendly and wide-eyed every one seemed to be. There were SO many highlights, I just don't know where to begin, hence the title of this blog (I always dislike that word, oh blog!!) "To be continued" because I know there will be more moments to add as the weeks go by. I really am still flying.... one things for sure, if you would like to hear a bit of the hustle and bustle and an interview with me including exerpts from my new album "sound" have a listen to CFRB Toronto's News Talk Radio on the 23rd of March at 6pm. You can also go to their website & have a listen online at I will start by telling you about one major highlight and that was: Having the privilege to hear Alanis Morrissette answer some very personal questions, 20 feet away from me!! Yeah, she was interviewed for an hour... and truly spoke to my heart. She is an inspirational creature, spiritual & quite beautiful. Chatting with Garth Hudson of "The Band" was pretty awe inspiring as well. So I will leave you with that wonderful taste in your mouth and write a little later.... Love Lindsay

Cold Dark Days, YEAH for MUSIC!!

Is it me or is this time of year an energy sucker? All I want to do is lay curled up with a book or a dream, or a new CD. Speaking of new CD's, I went to a wonderful release party... my first introduction to Hugh's Room in Toronto. What a magical place... a "listen if you know what's good for you" type of place... and listen I did (and helped decorate too...) Tannis Slimmon!! What an amazing woman, in fact I couldn't possibly find the right word to describe her, I think I'd have to write a poem maybe... and thanks to these cold dark days, I'm just too darn tired to put pen to paper... though that will all have to change in the coming week, as it's CANADIAN MUSIC WEEK and I will have to be awake & alert for all the crazy days & nights that lay ahead. Anyhoo, life is beautiful, I mean I'm not really complaining, I just really look forward to the sunshine staying & the energy being re-fueled... ya know???

Lunar Eclipse & Andy Swan

Folks, what a night last night. I was high on moonshine & a little red wine... what a great show at Tranzac in Toronto. I shared the stage with The Talented Mr. Andy Swan. He is fantastic & his voice is SWEET! It's amazing what kind of energy the Universe gives us when something so special as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse comes into play. I was all riled up & ready for anything. I Love nights like that... & to be honest there weren't too many people out for the performance, but the music sang louder & hearts were won I'm sure!! Toronto life has been very kind so far... this little visit to another part of the world has done heaps of good, I have some great shows coming up... The March 7th show at Savannah Room (the old Oasis) will be fantastic, as part of Canadian Music Week, it's an 11pm SHARP start... so come out if you are in The Big Smoke. Also, I am hosting an Indie Song Writers Night at The Supermarket (in Kensington Market) once a month, the first one will be held on the 31st of March... So far I have an enormously talented lad, Mr. Ron Leary as part of the first Sing-Song night... I will of course keep you posted... Check out my new song "Monkeys Under Stars" on YOUTUBE... it's my favourite so far... hope you like it. Take good care... February is almost over!! Love Lindsay

Canadian Music Week, I'm IN!!

Hey People! Come check out my showcase on the 7th of March... it's during CMW & it's a thrill to be a part of the Conference, lots of like-minded folks will be carousing the streets of Toronto looking for some great tunes... you can find my voice singing at The Savannah Room...who knows maybe I'll get the break I need, so that I can get my music out to the world!! I just can't wait.... I'll write soon with some Toronto stories... it's been great so far... learning the street cars & subway system hasn't been so bad at all!!Lxo

Canadian Music Week Here I Come!

Hi everyone, so it turns out that I wasn't picked as the regional winner for "radiostar" but at least my music was heard by thousands of people!! "8th Wonder" will just have to wait it's turn... One of the prizes for the contest that I did not win was a trip to Toronto for Canadian Music Week (CMW)...a super cool conference for music industry types). It's really okay though, because I'm going anyway, but, it will just be me that funds it!! I would have liked to win, of course, but at the end of the day, I am the winner... I have this music gift... and I wouldn't trade it for ANY contest in the world... Thanks to everyone who may have voted or sent out the positive energy... better luck next time! Onwards & Upwards I say!!

Lindsay xox

Vote For Lindsay on The Bear!

wlindsay-ferguson-black-sheep-cd-release.jpgThe Bear (Ottawa Radio) has picked "8th Wonder" as one of the five finalists for The Radio Star National Songwriting Competition - Ottawa.That means my song is now posted on their website ( Scroll down to the bottom of the main page and you'll find the banner to click on to take you to voting/listening page. I believe the system is set to accept one vote per computer per day. Voting runs until 9 a.m. on Monday, January 21st. We will announce the winning songwriter in the 4 p.m. hour of the same day. BEAR listeners will also hear my song on air. Each song will be featured one day next week with a play in the 9 p.m. hour with Dylan Black and another play in the 11 p.m. hour on Local Licks. Scott Lear will feature a 40 second excerpt from the song during middays.

Here is the schedule for next week:

Monday, January 14 - 8th Wonder - Lindsay Ferguson Tuesday, January 15 - Find Me - Bluestone (Sandy Hunter) Wednesday, January 16 - String Of Pearls - Darius Doddridge and Rodney Doddridge Thursday, January 17 - Vagabond - Frank Beecher Friday, January 18 - When The Summer Ends - The Watters Brothers Rebellion

If I win this section of the contest it means I will go on to Toronto's Canadian Music Week in March with all the other finalists from other regions in Canada... I'm not sure how many other finalists there will be, but it would be nice to get there!!!

Here is a direct link to the voting page.

Thanks a lot for your support!!! Lindsay