Hi everyone! Would you like to listen to some NEW LINDSAY MUSIC? Today, I decided to release something new for you, it IS bandcamp Friday and ALL proceeds go directly to the artist. https://lindsayferguson.bandcamp.com/track/i-to-we
Hi everyone! Would you like to listen to some NEW LINDSAY MUSIC? Today, I decided to release something new for you, it IS bandcamp Friday and ALL proceeds go directly to the artist. https://lindsayferguson.bandcamp.com/track/i-to-we
Good day from a very foggy, mild winter’s day, here in Switzerland. Here I sit, with an opaque view of a rainy world, typing to you after such a long, long time. These days, I’m not even sure that a website is truly necessary, what with so, SO many platforms for Social Media (or “anti” social media as my brother, Jeffrey, puts it.) He might be on to something. What a peculiar way for folks to “connect.” My favourite way to be together is in real life, in the flesh. I just Love hands, facial expressions, the look and texture of skin, the delicate nature of hair, bright eyes, sounds of laughter, hand-slapping-knee moments, palpable connection; gestures, electricity, the transmission of a giggle or a yawn… how beautiful, the very real thing. Maybe I want it more or have come to appreciate it more because these “in person” moments have become few and far between. Absence makes the heart grow fonder… I understand this more than ever, as I am sure you readers do as well.
My hair, his hair
It has been a heck of a year, this past 2021. So much gained, so much lost. Gaining the ability to sit in “it” to have the time to process how life is moving around me, instead of just rushing through it all, going into the next and the next and the next. This time has sounded much quieter, the buzz of busy much fainter and I have appreciated it, I’ve even come to like it. Having the space to watch the glow of candlelight flicker its shadows across the wall… having the time to watch the moonlight rise through the black horizon of the trees. This newfound, or newly cherished ability to sit and watch, to sit and think, to sit and listen; finally learning to be, instead of the blind motions of do, do, do (an unspoken rule I have follwed for most of my life.) Finding the wisdom of how to “be” has been the best gift of all.
Finger painting as an adult is still just as fun.
In all the quiet, one must find meaning. I don’t mean purpose. Just being here has its own purpose which will reveal itself as we move through life. Meaning. Meaning is crucial.What may be meaningful to me may not be meaningful to you, and that’s alright, but my spidey senses tell me, likely, if we stop and listen and look we might just find ourselves on the same page, at the very least, in the same chapter. I used to think something had to be big to be meaningful, but lately, the small things are quite consdierable. I sat on the hill in our garden this Summer and watched while bees were collecting pollen from our flowers, bringing it back to their hive, a picture perfect view of life sustaining itself in the most delicate of ways. In autumn, I watched while my friend built a fire only to wait while it burned down to embers, the perfect temperature to cook us a gourmet meal under an almost full moon. As winter approached, I listened in awe as a child told me to dance, dance and shake all the prickles out, only to become smooth again. Recently, I felt the warm hug of an old wise man, and heard his giggle in my ear, reminscent of the boy he once was and of the innocence we all still have. Oh the stories we can tell. What a life, full of magic… it’s out there.
Under the moon by the fire, my happy place.
It took me about a half an hour to find that last photo and in the process of scrolling through them all, I was reminded of an abunance of memories from 2021. Looking back at those photos, shows me 2021 was a mighty year! But it’s funny, because on so many occasions, it didn’t always feel mighty. How very lucky I was to travel to Geneva, to swim in the biggest lake in Europe, Lac Leman, those crystal clear blue waters gave me joy and were ultimately refreshing but they also taught me a lesson; no spending time in a buoyant boat, rocking back and forth or else you might spend the next few hours battling a motion sickness attack… Sorry Leia! It was fun while it lasted! Not only did I have the chance to spend some time in the French speaking part of Switzerland, but also, had the opportuntiy to travel down to the Italian part in Ticino. We were a three minute walk away from a Grotto, featuring a deep crystal clear, freshwater pool with a water fall rushing into it, the most beautiful water in the world, straight from the mountain top and more than a little refreshing! Thanks Christina! I also spent a lot of time on nature trails around where I live, always on the lookout for forest pools to bathe in, and usually successful at that! I was extremely fortunate to have some family members come to visit over the last few months, where we wandered and ate and drank and laughed together… That human in person vibe, it is just like no other!
Thankful to be able to cool down in a forest pool!
Me on the boat on Lac Leman, pre motion sickness! Be careful of those small boats, oops!
Freshwater pool in Osogna, Ticino, paradise three minutes from where we stayed. Amazing!
As you can imagine, entertainers are having a tough go these days. I guess because I know I am not alone in that, somehow, the togetherness is a little comforting. I had concert after concert canceled, or a more positive spin might be to say they were postponed? I can’t count how many concerts over the past two years have been booked then canceled, however, I roll with it! That said, a few performances were a go, and I’ll remember them fondly. I had the pleasure to play in one of Switzerland’s hottest venues, on what might have been one of the hottest evenings of the Summer! Thanks to Cafe Mokka for an amazing night! Also memorable was a music festival I was a part of, which reminded me of Canada, with face painting, butterfly children skipping, hay bales, summer dresses, camping, dancing and of course, a little bit of rain… I was honoured to be a part of that, thank YOU Black Mountain Collective, I can NOT wait til next year! Maybe because so many concerts were taken away, it made the concerts I could play, that much more special. I really tried to be in the moment, as much as possible. It always seems like I prepare, and wait and get exctied for a show, then it’s over, I’m in bed and it’s all just a memory. The last concert I performed was a goodie, and I really tried to stay in the seconds…. I heard from some Lindsay Fans that it was my best concert yet…. Thanks to the Chäslager in Stans for an epic night. Let’s hope I can (we all can) hold onto those special moments… those meaningful moments.
Singing in Stans, thanks for the photo Markus Frömmel
On a last note and probably the most meaningful note of all, I survived Covid 19. I don’t like to bring up the “C” word, and I won’t go too far into it, but I caught it and I beat it. It wasn’t so bad, either, two weeks mostly in bed with aches, a little coughing and some dizziness. I feel great now, and lucky, because the Swiss government recognizes recovery, so for now, I have my freedoms returned and my natural immunity. We were all better by Christmas, so we went out and found a Charlie Brown tree to decorate. My Mum sent some decorations from my childhood, and I was so grateful to be able to add them to our tree. It was, of course a very quiet holiday this year, but I am grateful to have the ability to speak with my family who are thousands of miles away. I can’t hug them, yet, but our time will come.
Our cozy living room
All in alll, 2021 provided…. there were some great moments involving friends, food, water and music… a few of my favourite things…. Let’s hope 2022 will bring me back to my family in Canada, without all the ever-changing rules…. We shall see…. In the meantime, be well and thanks for reading.
I awoke this morning to a text message that was worded so beautifully that I just had to share....
"Hey song bird, I bet it was nice to feel the wind blowing through your wings last night!"
Boy was it ever.
Lindsay singing in the garden at Mokka in Thun
Like everyone else, we have been through some drastic changes, haven’t we? I am not sure they have come to a screeching halt and that life is anywhere near to returning to what it was, not that it should… but I digress… It has been almost a year since I had a set, a stage and audience to myself and I pretty much convinced myself that I was okay with that. I dove into new things; I studied Ayurveda, I bonded with Mules, I learned about healing herbs and flowers and plants (it is a never ending path of wisdom and greatness, let me tell you! I have jars and jars filled with Mother Nature’s gift, waiting to be steeped into tea, or tinctured or oils, salves and creams… but I digress!
Red Clover is a plant ally! She is great for osteoarthritis, arthritis, hair health and is even great for hot flashes! Pick some, dry it, jar it and then figure out how Red Clover can work with you!
Last evening was a highlight of my singing career. It gave me an insight that I truly could not have known before The Great Pause. I am aware that it feels good to share music, and to be appreciated for it. That, I have learned over the years. That “certain something” you can’t quite put your finger on, the energy which dances unseen (though certainly felt!) between us… I have and always will enjoy that, and to be sure, I appreciate you, too. But last night, it was like those already great feelings were exaggerated. The insight was the realization that I had really missed playing more than I thought I had. It was like a kind of reunion with an old friend, an old friend that I didn’t know I hadn’t seen? It’s hard to explain what I mean, but I felt high and nervous, almost like it was the first time I walked onto the stage at the Black Sheep Inn (the Black Sheep Inn is a very famous venue in Canada.) Imagine, after years of doing this, I got to fall in Love all over again. I felt like a kid in a candy shop., and there was even CANDY too!!
Imagine my surprise when I arrived into the green room to a plate of candy with a donkey in the middle? I took it as a great sign of what was to come, considering I am, after all, a Mother Of Mules (follow me and my mules on Instagram /motherofmules
I arrived in Thun on a swelteringly hot day. When I get hot I turn red, red, RED!! I was a hot mess! The only thing that can tame Hot Messy Sweaty Lindsay is cold water and I wasn’t prepared to jump into the Aare which runs through Thun and is currently very very cold. All this to say, upon entering the garden at Mokka Bar I forgot about the heat, and was quickly enchanted by the fairytale-like and whimsical space I would be spending the next few hours in. I had to remind myself to breathe, to try to stay calm and to NOT SPEED UP THE MOMENTS!! Coffee in the morning would come soon enough. They even had the biggest vase of fresh flowers that I have ever seen, to accompany me on stage. I was back home.
My first stage in a LONG time at Mokka Bar in Thun
As I mentioned before about the Black Sheep Inn, the Mokka Bar in Thun is just as sought after for performances and just as professional. It is not easy to get a gig there, mostly you just have to know someone because the emails are too many to really keep up with and the level of talent requiring gigs is also top notch. By luck, perseverance, hard work and never giving up, I worked with someone in the past who happened to whisper into the ear of the booker about this Canadian musician now living in Switzerland. Needless to say, when I got the invitation, I didn’t even check my schedule before I said yes. I was THAT sure. To be welcomed back into the Singing Game, in a place like this has reignited the fire in me, that had definitely, over the past year, dwindled into a spark. I am so grateful and feel more alive now!!! How in the world could I have ever forgotten, but I kind of did. I filled up my days with other things, beside travel, touring and booking. To be sure, the music never faded and I was fortunate enough to write quite a few new songs! I worked really hard to get those new songs ready for my Mokka Show (without having to read the lyrics) and what a delight, that I had such an amazing green room to practice them in!!
Behind the scenes where the magic lives, in the green room. If only these walls could talk!
I was going to post a few photos to my social media, with a shoutout of thanks to all who came to listen last night, but I thought, nope, this post needs a bit more thoughtful, with a little more poetic care. After all, we are talking about the best thing human beings ever invented, MUSIC! I didn’t realize how big that gaping hole was (life with NO LIVE MUSIC) until I stepped up onto that magical stage last and the wind stirred, and really did blow through my wings. I won’t ever forget that fresh feeling, like finding new love again, and I won’t ever forget how truly profound music is to us all. Sometimes when you study music and work at it, you lose sight of the true gift that it is.
It sure has been a loud year. Forget about gathering in large groups or attending mind-blowing concerts/events. That’s not the noise I am referring to, but rather, the endlessly streaming noise which fills my head… and no doubt, your head. Never in my life have I spent more time at the computer, reading the noise. Fear-mongering is just not my thing. I haven’t spoken out loud about my thoughts on this fear-inducing, angst ridden topic which is spread all over our newspapers, podcasts, social media, radio programs, it’s just everywhere! I will be sure to keep my thoughts reined in, as no one really know anything concrete about it, you can read something from an expert and then ten seconds later see the complete opposite from another expert. The scary part is the uncertainty, and the places your mind can go…..
A friend of mine once said “Just Do Today First.” That tidy collection of words have helped me through all the things that I never thought I’d get through; not being able to travel to the arms of my Mama, to the hugs from my Dad… the countess concerts booked then cancelled then booked then canceled. “Just Do Today First” might be easier for me though, since I don’t have human children, and for you parents out there, I bow down to your courage. We do have BIG fur babies though, and they have been major players in keeping me sane, and focused. We don’t have to teach our Mules mathematics, but rather the ins and outs of how to go, to stop, to stay, to go left, to go right, to learn patience to NOT be afraid of umbrellas or big yellow balls! They seem to be getting it, but on the occasion, they misbehave and we, as parents learn the lessons instead. “What did we do wrong, how can we do it better?” I never grew up with animals, and having two big Molly Mules, wow! What an introduction to Animal Love and HOW! I could write a few chapters about them, but instead, I will leave you with some photos…..
Sirene, Foxy and Me on the Field
Two beauties waiting for something delicious!
Food has also been a big inspiration for me. Before marriage I was never into cooking at all, I mostly ate out, or threw together a wrap of sorts….. but that has all changed over the last few years, and especially so with a blooming garden out the back. At the moment there is cabbage soup on the stove top, and the brussels sprouts are almost ready to pick, not to mention the apples we have in the cellar and some potatoes too! Eating food sown with your own two hands, without the use of any poison (herbicide, pesticide, fungicide) tastes and feels better. During the Spring and Summer months I picked and dried a plethora of herbs and flowers for tea/herbal infusions (tinctures, salves and oils too!) All of which was free for the taking, thanks to Mother Nature and back country walks. So, nature has been a good friend to me as well, during these “you have to find SOMEthing healthy to do” times…. Finding the quiet has been a continuous search and mostly it is out on an old country road via bicycle or in the forest via footsteps. I came across a new way to fight colds (which no one has anymore, strangely, and if you do, you had better stay quiet about it!) Yes, I found a great recipe to enhance your immune system and I even made a short youtube video all about it called: “Killer Fire Cider” (please click on it and share, if you want!) It was fun to make and a little spicey as you will see, but even better, it really does the body good…. If you can get past that initial swallow…..
Sunflowers caught in a sunset
Heritage Swiss bean harvest, delicious in Chili!
Foraging for PORCICNI!! Steinpilz as they are called here. Most excellent in a wine/cheese risotto!
A couple of prized possesions, I harvested Yarrow and St. John’s Wort to make some healing tinctures.
Music, of course, has been a theme throughout the last year. Thankfully, I was gifted with a never-ending stream of musical sounds, a soundtrack of sorts to accompany all the other noise! It has been helpful to sit with my guitar and come up with ideas… The problem is never in finding musical ideas, the problem is ALWAYS finishing something, finding the lyrics to add to the melody, finding the right subject to match the music. I have dreamt up over a hundred new songs since this whole HOOPLA started, yes, music has been healing for me. But the other point is to help YOU, so I am truly working on getting some of these pieces finished, and then, finally, I can share! Don’t give up on me, okay? Also, I have had a little bit of luck come my way, thanks to Middlesex University in London. Their film class has decided to take two of my (previously unreleased) new tunes, and two new music videos are in progress, as I type! We hope we can release them in early Spring, so keep an eye out for some NEW LINDSAY MUSIC!! I recorded the songs with the help of Brock Zeman, Blair Hogan and Steve Foley, and I am very happy with how they have turned out, so stay tuned! Also, a brand new Swiss Booking Agency, called “Good Booking” found me earlier this year, so when we are able to get out and sing again, in public, I will finally have help with booking gigs. If you never give up, how can you lose?
Photo by Selena Meier
Recently I discovered Eckhart Tolle. This man and his teachings have helped me sleep at night. I wish everyone could take some time to sit and listen to his words of wisdom, but unfortunately, not everyone is ready. He came to me at exactly the right time, and I am a better human now. Here are the first words I heard him say, (click on that last sentence to listen if you like?) His insight has led me down a rabbit hole for many days. Getting through the noise to find that magical silence, which is always, also there… What a dream indeed! I will leave you now, and get back to that guitar so I can share a new song with you, sooner than later. Oh and keep an eye out for a live stream, coming soon to a Social Media platform near you. I miss singing for you, in real life, but I remember it well, so well, that it (the feeling) will keep my longing for more! It will happen, It just has to.