
Lunar Eclipse & Andy Swan

Folks, what a night last night. I was high on moonshine & a little red wine... what a great show at Tranzac in Toronto. I shared the stage with The Talented Mr. Andy Swan. He is fantastic & his voice is SWEET! It's amazing what kind of energy the Universe gives us when something so special as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse comes into play. I was all riled up & ready for anything. I Love nights like that... & to be honest there weren't too many people out for the performance, but the music sang louder & hearts were won I'm sure!! Toronto life has been very kind so far... this little visit to another part of the world has done heaps of good, I have some great shows coming up... The March 7th show at Savannah Room (the old Oasis) will be fantastic, as part of Canadian Music Week, it's an 11pm SHARP start... so come out if you are in The Big Smoke. Also, I am hosting an Indie Song Writers Night at The Supermarket (in Kensington Market) once a month, the first one will be held on the 31st of March... So far I have an enormously talented lad, Mr. Ron Leary as part of the first Sing-Song night... I will of course keep you posted... Check out my new song "Monkeys Under Stars" on YOUTUBE... it's my favourite so far... hope you like it. Take good care... February is almost over!! Love Lindsay