Greetings you fine people out there. What an incredible Canadian Music Week in Toronto. I had no idea how HUGE this week was going to be. It was an enormous gigantic rush of people in the music industry, all with the same agenda; talk, listen, learn & play!!! What wonderful things to have in common with one another. The energy was great, I just couldn't believe how friendly and wide-eyed every one seemed to be. There were SO many highlights, I just don't know where to begin, hence the title of this blog (I always dislike that word, oh blog!!) "To be continued" because I know there will be more moments to add as the weeks go by. I really am still flying.... one things for sure, if you would like to hear a bit of the hustle and bustle and an interview with me including exerpts from my new album "sound" have a listen to CFRB Toronto's News Talk Radio on the 23rd of March at 6pm. You can also go to their website & have a listen online at I will start by telling you about one major highlight and that was: Having the privilege to hear Alanis Morrissette answer some very personal questions, 20 feet away from me!! Yeah, she was interviewed for an hour... and truly spoke to my heart. She is an inspirational creature, spiritual & quite beautiful. Chatting with Garth Hudson of "The Band" was pretty awe inspiring as well. So I will leave you with that wonderful taste in your mouth and write a little later.... Love Lindsay
Cold Dark Days, YEAH for MUSIC!!
Is it me or is this time of year an energy sucker? All I want to do is lay curled up with a book or a dream, or a new CD. Speaking of new CD's, I went to a wonderful release party... my first introduction to Hugh's Room in Toronto. What a magical place... a "listen if you know what's good for you" type of place... and listen I did (and helped decorate too...) Tannis Slimmon!! What an amazing woman, in fact I couldn't possibly find the right word to describe her, I think I'd have to write a poem maybe... and thanks to these cold dark days, I'm just too darn tired to put pen to paper... though that will all have to change in the coming week, as it's CANADIAN MUSIC WEEK and I will have to be awake & alert for all the crazy days & nights that lay ahead. Anyhoo, life is beautiful, I mean I'm not really complaining, I just really look forward to the sunshine staying & the energy being re-fueled... ya know???
Lunar Eclipse & Andy Swan
Folks, what a night last night. I was high on moonshine & a little red wine... what a great show at Tranzac in Toronto. I shared the stage with The Talented Mr. Andy Swan. He is fantastic & his voice is SWEET! It's amazing what kind of energy the Universe gives us when something so special as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse comes into play. I was all riled up & ready for anything. I Love nights like that... & to be honest there weren't too many people out for the performance, but the music sang louder & hearts were won I'm sure!! Toronto life has been very kind so far... this little visit to another part of the world has done heaps of good, I have some great shows coming up... The March 7th show at Savannah Room (the old Oasis) will be fantastic, as part of Canadian Music Week, it's an 11pm SHARP start... so come out if you are in The Big Smoke. Also, I am hosting an Indie Song Writers Night at The Supermarket (in Kensington Market) once a month, the first one will be held on the 31st of March... So far I have an enormously talented lad, Mr. Ron Leary as part of the first Sing-Song night... I will of course keep you posted... Check out my new song "Monkeys Under Stars" on YOUTUBE... it's my favourite so far... hope you like it. Take good care... February is almost over!! Love Lindsay
Canadian Music Week, I'm IN!!
Hey People! Come check out my showcase on the 7th of March... it's during CMW & it's a thrill to be a part of the Conference, lots of like-minded folks will be carousing the streets of Toronto looking for some great tunes... you can find my voice singing at The Savannah Room...who knows maybe I'll get the break I need, so that I can get my music out to the world!! I just can't wait.... I'll write soon with some Toronto stories... it's been great so far... learning the street cars & subway system hasn't been so bad at all!!Lxo
Canadian Music Week Here I Come!
Hi everyone, so it turns out that I wasn't picked as the regional winner for "radiostar" but at least my music was heard by thousands of people!! "8th Wonder" will just have to wait it's turn... One of the prizes for the contest that I did not win was a trip to Toronto for Canadian Music Week (CMW)...a super cool conference for music industry types). It's really okay though, because I'm going anyway, but, it will just be me that funds it!! I would have liked to win, of course, but at the end of the day, I am the winner... I have this music gift... and I wouldn't trade it for ANY contest in the world... Thanks to everyone who may have voted or sent out the positive energy... better luck next time! Onwards & Upwards I say!!
Lindsay xox
Vote For Lindsay on The Bear!
The Bear (Ottawa Radio) has picked "8th Wonder" as one of the five finalists for The Radio Star National Songwriting Competition - Ottawa.That means my song is now posted on their website ( Scroll down to the bottom of the main page and you'll find the banner to click on to take you to voting/listening page. I believe the system is set to accept one vote per computer per day. Voting runs until 9 a.m. on Monday, January 21st. We will announce the winning songwriter in the 4 p.m. hour of the same day.
BEAR listeners will also hear my song on air. Each song will be featured one day next week with a play in the 9 p.m. hour with Dylan Black and another play in the 11 p.m. hour on Local Licks. Scott Lear will feature a 40 second excerpt from the song during middays.
Here is the schedule for next week:
Monday, January 14 - 8th Wonder - Lindsay Ferguson Tuesday, January 15 - Find Me - Bluestone (Sandy Hunter) Wednesday, January 16 - String Of Pearls - Darius Doddridge and Rodney Doddridge Thursday, January 17 - Vagabond - Frank Beecher Friday, January 18 - When The Summer Ends - The Watters Brothers Rebellion
If I win this section of the contest it means I will go on to Toronto's Canadian Music Week in March with all the other finalists from other regions in Canada... I'm not sure how many other finalists there will be, but it would be nice to get there!!!
Here is a direct link to the voting page.
Thanks a lot for your support!!! Lindsay