cheap beer


So the weather is finally thawing... now that the days are longer, and spring is close... ooh laa laa... things just feel better!! Thankfully!! As for the continuation of my CMW rants... Seeing bands perform from all over the world makes one realize how music REALLY IS the universal language... Ireland, Australia, Toronto, Vancouver... having the pleasure to share the stage with such talent as "Sick of Sarah" a great chick band from the States... definitely check them out!! I had the pleasure of meeting with some great music execs, had a chance to chat with Terry McBride, who was just inducted into The Canadian Music Hall of fame... I saw Moby interviewed aswell; when asked the top 4 things he would do if it was the last day on earth, he replied: eat burritos, play Led Zeppelin covers, drink cheap beer & make sweet Love...on another note, I may be heading over to Germany to play!! What a rush... I can't wait until next year... In the meantime, I have some great things happening here in Toronto...besides having an abundance of performances to listen in on, great food around every corner, a gym membership, gigs to prepare for and an irish session to play in, I have a song-writer night to organize.. This takes place at The Supermarket (in kensington maket) on the last Monday of every month... so stay tuned for all the great artists who will make the roster... the first show is on the 31st of March featuring: Myself, Ron Leary, Meredith Luce & Dave Gaudet. You won't be disappointed!! Talk soon,  Moi xox