Yesterday's Travels...

It was an unmistakably wintery day when I looked out the window for the first time this morning. I quickly turned on the computer to see if there was the possibility that all this snow may cause a flight cancellation, I’m sitting here on the plane now, so I can attest that no the snow didn’t stop this larger than life ‘free flying’  green bullet. Back to the a.m, I quickly went downstairs to the kitchen to see if I could muster up some red hot coals from the fire, (so I wouldn’t have to re start it, only add to it) alas, it was black cold. So I rumpled up some old newspapers, (of which I am starting to make out a few words here and there, Swiss German, or German, rather, is starting to look less and less, well, German!) I added some small sticks, some wood, flicked my bic and blamo! Fire started. Of course, I would have to wait at least two hours before I felt its heat radiating through the radiators…Next step, coffee! I wouldn’t have to wait that long for its heat...the magic from freshly ground beans would soon be coursing through my bloodstream in aid of the long day ahead.

As per usual I leave everything to the last minute and it’s more than time to pack. I have been in search of a ‘light-weight, modern-style’ piece of luggage and I finally found it, in all its “Cassette tape” covered glory, but silly me, I left it where I found it, thinking I would be back to get it, but never did. So I decide to, err, have to use old faithful, you know, the one that weighs 5kg with nothing in it. That bag has been flying with me since I moved to St. John’s Newfoundland back in ’98…. Boy, if THAT bag could talk… well, it would probably sing us a song, to be sure J

So we fast forward to 4:20pm (once upon a time a very special time to me!) and I hop on the extremely punctual bus out of Rueschegg on its way to Schwarzenburg, where the immaculately tidy and ‘pin-drop-quiet’ train will take me to Switzerland’s capital, Bern. The whole trip takes me about an hour. While on the train to Bern, I remark to a friend, via text, that this train stinks! Once upon a time, this train held hundreds if not thousands of smokers, and there ain’t no way any cleaner of any kind is going to mask that empty, stale scent.

Fast forward to Bern and if I remember correctly, I have 7 minutes to get from train A to train B. But no, this time, I only have two minutes. I knew all that snow was gonna come into play at some point. So there I am with my heavy 1990’s luggage, my ‘filled to the brim, almost couldn’t get the zipper done up red leather bag” and my dear sweet guitar, slung over my shoulders, running, yes, me, running through a tunnel with a hundred other 5:30pm runners and it turns out the only way I can make my train is to hop on through first class (it’s the first car). Well, it’s my first time in train-style first class and I can now understand why, perhaps, if one did have money, then why they may choose first class. It’s spacious and I can actually pull my luggage through the aisle, on its wheels, and the seats are wider and plush, and LOTS of seats to choose from…if only I could have stayed a little while longer….alas, second class it is. Squished between a man and his dog, (yes his black lab, they can bring their pups on board here!) and a man on his lap top. I was facing the side of the train, not facing forward, not facing backwards but sideways. My inner ear vertigo friend would just have to deal. So I tried not to stare at the girls across from me, or to look too long at the punk on the stairs, sipping his Carlsberg, (you can drink ANYwhere here, on the bus, in the streets, ANYwhere.) Instead, I stared at life speeding past me, until it got dark, then I dreamed of Ireland. I used to live there, a long time ago, after my two year stint in St. John’s, I lived there for just over 2 years….So this trip, the one I have embarked upon, will be a journey indeed! I am now 36000 feet up in the air, and this green bullet will touch down soon…. My Irish adventure will soon begin, and to be sure, I will keep you posted. I can’t wait.

BRAND NEW SONG ~ Apologies ~

But first a little prelude... A lot of my friends are breaking up these days, I feel so terribly for my Loved ones with broken hearts, both sides feeling pain, the 'breaker upper' and the 'broken up with'... It's a sad thing to say good bye. This song is written through the eyes of the person doing the breaking up, I'm am sure he or she is sorry, everyone has feelings, though you, the one that got left behind, you are most likely seeing things pretty hazy at the moment, wondering why, feeling neglected, don't worry my friend, things will get better... This is a song that just may set things straight...Good luck, in time we all heal.

New Music Video! Check it out :)

I am extremely happy to share this new video with you! It was filmed in Ottawa at the beginning of December 2011, by Craig Conoley of  "Partus Films." The song is one of my favourite Trad. songs to sing, called "Donal Og" or "Young Donald." I hope you enjoy, I have posted two links, one is VIMEO and the other is YOUTUBE

Be well and BIG LOVE,

Lindsay xo

Unbelievably AMAZING Review for "Monkeys Under Stars."

Thank you Craig Conoley of "Partus Films" for the thoughtful, truly thoughtful review of my newest Labour of Love, my latest album "Monkeys Under Stars." I can not believe how wonderfully put your poetic words are... Brought a tear to me eye, I must say :)

I am honoured.

Thank you,

Lindsay xo

Rapping on the Wrap-up of 2011

  I’ve never really rapped before but I’ve written some songs so it can’t be that much more. All I know is there has to be ‘flavour’ (stop) so the listener out there can ‘savour’ (stop) each word beating; each words meaning; something on the side, a main course platter…a little bit of fun is all that really matters. Folks! Apologies for starting off your read with some cheese, but it’s what’s on my mind these days, as I have been consuming it on a daily basis, what with living over here for a little while, here in the land of Chocolate and Cheese; Switzerland. Switzerland (from here on in referred to as CH) is where I started off the year 2011 and will also be the place in which I end it (the year, of course.) Tonight is New Year’s Eve and it’s usually a painful time for me, always getting my hopes up high, getting my expensive dress on, worrying about every little detail from my nails to my shoes to my set list; not this year! This night will feature me in comfy clothes not worrying about the gig, the money, the travel, the dress…no, just me and a few close friends with some good music and maybe a board game or two. It doesn’t sound exciting to all you freaky NYE fans, I’m sure, but this year has been a DOOZY, and I have plans to say good-bye to it in a sweet and tasteful way....with tonight’s menu featuring Raclette, wine & candle light, I simply could not ask for more.  It all started in 2007 when I finished my first recording “Sound.” I started thinking about the title of my next album and even started writing songs for it. Fast forward to 2011 and I KNEW I had to finally get it out of me and into you! At the end of 2010 I was fortunate enough to win some money from a music competition “Big Money Shot” and I used those winnings to record my second full length album “Monkeys Under Stars” (from here on in referred to as “Monkeys.”) “Monkeys” took me across Canada on my first “drive across Canada” tour (I’ve always has the privilege to FLY from coast to coast) but this driving thing, I absolutely Loved it.  There were a few moments of harsh reality as a Songster on the Canadian scene, but nothing could slow this free stride (or the Dodge ’92 that I slept in, drove in, ate in wrote in.) What a blast indeed. The Summer months saw some amazing times, with a hearty dose of inspiration.  I remember that amazing night under the “Blueskies” stars shared with Matt Andersen and harmonica virtuoso Mike Stevens, or those wonderful minutes of music shared by Jonathan Byrd; oh those sweet tears evoked from his song-bird poetry. This year was kind to me, if not brutally honest. My new album  scored a few pretty awesome reviews and went on to be honourably mentioned in the Ottawa Xpress as “Best New Album of 2011” and was more recently recognized in the Ottawa Citizen as a top ten album of 2011 by Ottawa area artists  (a Lovely Christmas present indeed!)  Ultimately music is with me 24/7 but I am astounded when I tap into a new sound, one that speaks to me or sings to me, rather. I found myself falling in Love with a couple of new bands this year; “New Country Rehab” and “The Sheepdogs.” All I can say is that you simply MUST find the time to see one of these bands play live, I really can’t describe how their sound made me feel, the music is just louder than any words….Speaking of words, check out “Scar Tissue” a biography about Anthony Kiedis from “The Red Hot Chili Peppers.” It’s a tough one to put down! Anyway, if 2012 is anything like 2011 I will be a happy camper, one with new songs, new sights, new sounds… bring it on and I hope this light and Love of which I speak will indeed travel to you, too. Blessings people! Have a blast! It might be the last one to blast off in!! Love you and THANK you for being here for me once again I can not do it without you music Lovers. Peace out, Lindsay xo

A Whole Lotta Night Time…

  Well, it gets pretty dark these days and when you are suffering jet lag, the darkness seems to never end. I flew to Switzerland on Wednesday night, but I didn’t make it to where I was going until Thursday night, a total of twenty or so hrs travel time from door to door, which is normal for a trip overseas, usually. The thing about me, and traveling, is that I never sleep on the plane and I pretty much despise being awake at the “mid-point,” which happened to be Heathrow. Laden down with too much carryon baggage; no sleep, terrible coffee and memories filled with babies crying was not helping my “I wish I was there already” state. Airplanes and airports have two major similarities; bad food and dry air. My hair was standing on end in parts, what with all the static, and my skirt was sticking to my thighs and my “I’ve been coughing for days” throat was pretty much glued together.  I was a miserable mess. Fast forward to today, which is actually tonight and I am wide awake, after a nap of about two hours. It’s beautiful out here but the silence is deafening when you are wide awake, even if it is in a Marshmallow Bed (which it is!) I don’t usually get up when I can’t fall back to sleep, but this is different, I need to write! I am sleeping (err… not sleeping) in a foreign country, I packed up my place back home and am virtually homeless in Canada. It’s a funny feeling and the first time I have ever had it. I know what I will be doing here over the next three months, but jeez, talk about living for the moment. Yes, I did write the song about it but sometimes it can be unsettling and the question can arise “Am I doing the right thing?” Today, err, tonight… I feel good about the decisions I have made, but what happens when the three months are up?? Only time will tell. Speaking of time, I look forward to having my body back, locked into time once more. But then I find myself asking the question “What IS time?” I went back to work this fall , once a week, at a café I used to work at five years ago, (until I quit my waitressing life and jumped into this “Sweet Musician’s Life.”) I thought one day a week would help out the bills immensely, which it did… in any case I got back into the swing of things like I had never left, from the creak in the bathroom doors, to the coffee jugs to the smell of sweet bacon, it was as if I had never left. So where did the time go? And now, I am back here, perched on a hill in an old Swiss barn-turned-quaint-house, sitting in the same chair I left almost a year ago, writing to you, with the smell of empty Clementine rinds and the sound of wind howling around the roof of this top floor…not complaining so much as being wide awake, pondering life. Thanks for listening. Love Lindsay

Song Creation

There are many pieces to the puzzle that makes up this musician’s life but it’s the music that keeps me chasing my dreams. Somehow I am plugged into a constant stream of sound, so it is always with me, and there is no escaping, fortunately. To hone in the sound, I have to process it, and this is the first hard bit about being a music maker. I sit there with my guitar, pen and paper and hope I can form what I hear into something that you, the listener, can also hear. This is the hard part because, if I could, I would just hum and scat my whole way through this new burst of music, but no, song writing is called song writing because there is a certain element of writing that takes place, you know, those pesky lyrics! I call them pesky because they are (for me) the hardest part of creating a song and I would say that over sixty percent of the listeners out there don’t even process the lyrics at all which makes it all the more difficult because I WANT you to process the lyrics, so I try to make them really good, something that you will really want to listen out for. Once I have my theme ready, I place it all together in some kind of wonderful structure or other. There is no one way to write a song, they all come out differently and I am always stoked to see how one of mine will end up (I have so many in the works!! I really must be more disciplined in finishing some!) I was once told that the bridge should be the best part of the song, so I always try to make it stand apart and be the BEST, but it doesn’t always work. Some songs are just plain better than others. I am still waiting for that ONE song to get heard. Perhaps you will take the time to listen to what I have so far? My newest labour of Love is NOW ONLINE!! You can scoot over to Itunes and check it out if you so desire…  ‘tis the season for sharing J