
Forget Me Not

The flowers are bursting through the cold dark ground, giving us light and colour.I grew up with an intense Love for those miniature sky blue/pink  flowers, those sweet sweet Forget-Me-Nots. My Great Grandmother brought some over to the property they established alongside the Gatineau River, all those years ago, from Germany. Now, each Spring, the entire few acres are covered in blue and pink tipped grass. The vases over-flowed with those little touches of pretty. And now, when I see them peeking through I 'forget not' the times we all shared together, on that property by the river, sipping coffee and talking life over those precious vases of colour.  And now, I cherish the little Delft vase my GrandMother gave to me, and today, it sits on my kitchen table, filled with different shades of blue and pink...

There are so many ways to find beauty in life. Tradition has it's ways of reminding us. What a legacy that lived before me! If only I could travel back in time to ask some of my ancestors questions, I wonder what their voices sounded like, what type of accents they had... Besides German, I am certain there were loads of Scottish accents, and I wonder when they stopped speaking Gallic up there in the northern lands by the sea. My heritage is certainly a mix-up, wouldn't it be so interesting to snap your fingers, and glimpse into the past. For now, we have relics and photos and I get to use my imagination to no end. My Grandfather started up a family tree book and I remember one of his relatives was in search of gold, up in Northern Canada, back in the days of the uncivilized, no electricity and little information about wild animals, not much law... He must have had a fierce determination to get up there, following his big dreams.  Maybe part of his essence seeped into me and gives me the determination to keep following mine. I wonder if there were other singers in my family, besides my dear sweet Mama who LOVES to sing along to The Beatles, Boney M, and me. My Grandmother sang some show tunes, once upon a time, for fun, but I wonder if there was an antique piano being played somewhere with a voice soaring above it, for all to hear. I wonder where that magic of music that flows inside of me started? Was he a he? Was she a she?? Well, I may never know how, when, who or where, but I am a million times thankful. Even on my darkest days, where it seems that no gigs are coming in, and no ears hear my songs, I have faith that the flow is forever steady and present.

So, today, I thank you for your flowers and the music... Two of my favourite things.

Love Lindsay



Song Creation

There are many pieces to the puzzle that makes up this musician’s life but it’s the music that keeps me chasing my dreams. Somehow I am plugged into a constant stream of sound, so it is always with me, and there is no escaping, fortunately. To hone in the sound, I have to process it, and this is the first hard bit about being a music maker. I sit there with my guitar, pen and paper and hope I can form what I hear into something that you, the listener, can also hear. This is the hard part because, if I could, I would just hum and scat my whole way through this new burst of music, but no, song writing is called song writing because there is a certain element of writing that takes place, you know, those pesky lyrics! I call them pesky because they are (for me) the hardest part of creating a song and I would say that over sixty percent of the listeners out there don’t even process the lyrics at all which makes it all the more difficult because I WANT you to process the lyrics, so I try to make them really good, something that you will really want to listen out for. Once I have my theme ready, I place it all together in some kind of wonderful structure or other. There is no one way to write a song, they all come out differently and I am always stoked to see how one of mine will end up (I have so many in the works!! I really must be more disciplined in finishing some!) I was once told that the bridge should be the best part of the song, so I always try to make it stand apart and be the BEST, but it doesn’t always work. Some songs are just plain better than others. I am still waiting for that ONE song to get heard. Perhaps you will take the time to listen to what I have so far? My newest labour of Love is NOW ONLINE!! You can scoot over to Itunes and check it out if you so desire…  ‘tis the season for sharing J http://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/monkeys-under-stars/id485589392

Music Speaks Louder

Thanks for the music. I go to sleep with songs, I wake with songs, sometimes my dreams even have a soundtrack. It's the ONE true constant in my life (besides change) and I am ever so grateful. Even living in Canada as a starving artist I am happy to have found this path. No, I have no house, don't own much except a few guitars and an old '92 Dodge. People ask for me to sing, and mostly I do... I was asked to write a song for The Black Sheep Inn, it's a place I frequent, and am inspired by, which I Love, so I said yes. It's that easy, that simple... just because I wasn't chosen by CBC to write a song for the venue I started my singing career in, doesn't mean I won't gladly do it... SO! THANK YOU to the folks who put me to the task of finding the "right" words... though, it AIN'T easy.. there are too many things, times, emotions and melodies to explore...I have been working on 3 different songs so far, in hopes that ONE will be sufficient for the February 11th debut (at The Black Sheep Inn)  I just have to remember that I am NOT here to please everyone, but if I can please a few, a few will do... xo