There are many pieces to the puzzle that makes up this musician’s life but it’s the music that keeps me chasing my dreams. Somehow I am plugged into a constant stream of sound, so it is always with me, and there is no escaping, fortunately. To hone in the sound, I have to process it, and this is the first hard bit about being a music maker. I sit there with my guitar, pen and paper and hope I can form what I hear into something that you, the listener, can also hear. This is the hard part because, if I could, I would just hum and scat my whole way through this new burst of music, but no, song writing is called song writing because there is a certain element of writing that takes place, you know, those pesky lyrics! I call them pesky because they are (for me) the hardest part of creating a song and I would say that over sixty percent of the listeners out there don’t even process the lyrics at all which makes it all the more difficult because I WANT you to process the lyrics, so I try to make them really good, something that you will really want to listen out for. Once I have my theme ready, I place it all together in some kind of wonderful structure or other. There is no one way to write a song, they all come out differently and I am always stoked to see how one of mine will end up (I have so many in the works!! I really must be more disciplined in finishing some!) I was once told that the bridge should be the best part of the song, so I always try to make it stand apart and be the BEST, but it doesn’t always work. Some songs are just plain better than others. I am still waiting for that ONE song to get heard. Perhaps you will take the time to listen to what I have so far? My newest labour of Love is NOW ONLINE!! You can scoot over to Itunes and check it out if you so desire… ‘tis the season for sharing J
Soo Soo Studio!!
Hello fine readers, Music Lovers... whoever you are... I thank you for taking the time to stop by, on occasion to read the "goings-ons" in my life! Well, these days, I am thrilled to know that a new album will soon be in the works! April 30th will see me in the studio, embarking on my latest Labour of Love "Monkey's Under Stars." Producing the album will be Dean Watson of Gallery Recording Studios, in Ottawa Ontario. The thing that really excites me, is that Dean and I, have been friends for a long time and he knows me and has been following my music career since the beginning. I am so happy because I know this album will feature my raw, naturalistic feelings about music, it will focus on the heart and soul of it all, and it is going to be beautiful!! It will be a full-band project, featuring Chris Hopkins on Bass guitar, Rob Rose on Electric Guitar and Rob Milicevic on Drums, with a few other gems to be added as necessary.... nothing like my "Last minute Lindsay" ways... so yeah, you might hear strings, keys and brass as well... Today I just completed my first county song "Grip On You." Who knows if it makes it onto the album, but I will gauge it by how my audiences like it in the coming weeks, before heading into the studio. I have never played country before, and I'm not sure if it'll fit... time will tell, but I gotta say that I am digging it!! Here are the lyrics in the meantime... Yours is the name I have been calling
yours are the hands that I can hold
yours is the trust I have been building
yours are the eyes that I behold
& I've spent half of my life seeking
& all those other hours fooled
& when I cast my gaze upon yours,
seems those wasted hours led me to you
Nobody says that Love comes easy
nobody swears what it can do
it's more like a drug to drive you crazy
but I won't lose my grip on you
Yours is the smile that I get lost in
yours is the voice that calms my fear
yours is the Love in which I'm fallin'
yours is the song between my ears
Nobody says that Love comes easy
nobody swears what it can do
more like a drug to drive you crazy
but I won't lose my grip on you
You, you, you.... oooh oooh
I place my thoughts upon a train ride
a long haul bound the other way
been prayin' for my beating heart to guide
me from mistakes of yesterday
Nobody says that Love comes easy
nobody swears what it can do
more like a drug to drive you crazy
but i won't lose my grip on you
Hope you enjoy it when you hear it.... perhaps sooner than later??
Happy SPRING!!
Love Lindsay xo