steve earle

Out of the Fog

Wow! I have been quite neglectful to this here site! Bad Lindsay! But alas, all is well in the land of song & dance... the last few weeks have been pretty busy with gigs & travel, but it IS summer after all. What a gorgeous one, even with all the rain, rain makes things beautifu after all! I spent the last while in St. John's Newfoundland, and what a gorgeous place indeed.  Have you ever been? You can smell the sea and hear the music at all times, Canada's best kept secret for sure... the gigs were a blast, I even had the chance to see singer extra-ordinaire Mr. Matt Epp. Check him out, his voice will melt your heart!! Coming soon, my life will be filled with songs and rhythm thanks to the Ottawa Bluesfest. It's a stellar line-up this year. Myself and my band boys have been practicing so that we can be a part of the stellar line-up and make you shake your booty!! We play on Friday the 10th, one week away! Eeeek!!! Also on the same stage (The Subway Stage) on the same night is Brock Zeman, and Steve Earle... so be prepared to be inspired by some great talent next Friday night if you are in the area...Jackson Browne & Sam Roberts are also headlining the festival on the same night... I can't wait. It's gonna be good weather too... (fingers crossed??) We are bringing out a very special surprise in honour of Michael Jackson too, so be there to experience the dance dance dance! In the meantime, I am taking off for the next coupla days for some COTTAGE country... relaxing by the lake with guitar & calm in hand.  Hope to catch you sometime this summer. Happy trails, and I'll write soon... Lindsay xo

Lindsay LIVE with The Lost Boys... 2moro Night!

Greetings Websurfers, Indeed, I have a gig 2moro night in Wakefield Quebec. That's Thursday the 7th, at The Black Sheep Inn. We've been practicing some new songs as a band, and boy, sometimes they sound SO MUCH BETTER with a band then when I am standing in the kitchen singing to the taps! I will also be on CKCU Radio from 8am til 9:30am in the morning, that's 93.1fm in Ottawa...I may bring out some older recordings for a treat or a laugh... depending...! I will also be performing a few live songs as well... solo style...without the taps. Maggie Meyer from Newfoundland and Megan Hamilton from Toronto will also be singing souls on Thursday night at The Sheep, so if you are in for a trek out to the hills, come join us, the fun starts at 9pm!!!

Life as a music maker is a little slower for me these days, as I am spending my daze, writing new tunes for a new album. I would LOVE to get it released next Spring, Spring 2010. My last album, released September 2007 took a year to organize, so it appears I may indeed have the time to reach my goal date, but I will of course keep you posted on all of that, I still have to choose the right studio, and that's half the battle. The songs are flowing freely and I am stoked to get them recorded...all in good time I suppose!!

Summer will see me traveling a bit, out to the East Coast of Canada for some shows and then out to the West Coast, to the Rocky Mountains!! With an exceptional gig in between at at The Ottawa Bluesfest, on July 10th, where Jackson Browne, Steve Earle and Sam Roberts will also e performing... I am SURE it will be a fabulous night for all!!

As an independent musician, I am always looking for shows. I do all my own booking (so far) and if you have anything exciting happening and are in need of Music Makers, drop me an email. With or without band!! Keep in mind there are 2 Lindsay Styles...or ring me! My number is up there at the top of this page...

On another note, I have fallen in Love with a new band called "Mother Mother" maybe they aren't so NEW, but new to me... I saw them perform a few days back, and it was one of the BEST performances I've ever seen. An amazingly dynamic, creative, melodic, harmonic, and RAW talent type of band. Check them out sometime. One more Canadian Gem to add to our musical roster of greats....

Talk soon, Lindsay xo