
First Day of Summer 2013

And just like that, Summer began. In the darkest days of winter, most of us long for today, and here it is in all it's blue-sky-green-grass-leafy-tree glory (it's actually over-cast here, but we all get the drift!)

I Love both Seasons. All seasons, actually. Each one has it's best part, and each 0ne helps me, in some way or form, to be inspired to follow my dreams and stay on the right course. Naturally, on occasion I take the wrong road, the 'road less traveled' but in the end,  most avenues are right, as hindsight is always 20/20.

It's my first time writing here as a married woman.

The last few months were filled to the brim with excitement and plans and yellow tape and caterers and paperwork and dress measuring and clothes shopping and phone calls and invites and organizing and basking in the Love of my mans eyes. All in the name of Love and all for the best day of my life, my wedding day. It's true what they say... It was the best day of my life, and I have lived through some pretty tremendous days. This one beat them all, so does that mean it's all down hill from now?? I think I will coast on the coat-tails of being a newly-wed for awhile...

It was also the first time I grew out my nails in many, many, many moons. One can't play the chords on guitar with finger nails. I missed the sounds of the strings plucked and strummed and all those melodies that flow out while I'm rehearsing. So I'm back at it, and when you step away from it for a couple of weeks (or more??) it's amazing what comes out once you get going again. The tap from that fresh water constant-running-spring had been corked so when I liberate the cork, the water is in full flowing force. Refreshing, beautiful, colourful musical 'water.' Oh how I bask in the glory of thee.

So I am back to writing and back to booking, all as a married woman.

Some say that you feel differently in your relationship once you tie the knot. I concur! I won't go into gushy details of Love, but it does feel as though there is a tighter, kindred connection, more sincere in a way? It's hard to put into words...more secure in the saddle? Someone recently asked me how I was going to create songs, now that my heart is solid and strong. Well, thank goodness I have a unique array of friendships that provide me with stimulating stories, not to mention the catalogue of  life's drama I have already seen ;)

It's my first Summer away from my second home (Canada) in a long time. The last place I spent a Summer was in Ireland, when I worked out on the Emerald Isle's west coast, in Connemara, all those years ago. Well, here I am in Switzerland, south of Bern, a bike-ride (all up hill!) away from the Alps. It's pretty heavenly here, but WHERE isn't it heavenly in the Summertime?

I miss my Wakefield. If you ever have the chance to head up, north of Ottawa to the Gatineau Hills in Quebec, do it. Wakefield has everything from Organic Farms, to hand crafted beeswax candles, to luxurious bakeries, to the BEST bistros, the BEST poutine, and the BEST place to see live music, at The Black Sheep Inn. We have an arts festival at the end of August called 'Wakefest' and there is a market every Saturday featuring live music, fresh breads, cookies, coffee, hand picked vegetables, hand crafted felted masterpieces, local honey, local EVERYTHING!! So go check it out... Oh and yeah, the Gatineau River is the liquid Love that brings it all together.

In the meantime, I will sit up here in this old farm house on the hill, over-looking the small village I live in part-time (half Swiss time half Canadian time!) serenaded by the melody of the sheep chimes, a fridge stocked with local cheeses, delicious beer and a cabinet full of chocolate.

Remember folks,

Life is what you make it.


Lindsay xo


Swiss Radio!

I am working on trying to get a 'podcast' from the Radio interview I did last night in Switzerland! It was pretty cool, having all my answers translated into 'Swiss German'. I only hope that some of the things I said didn't get lost in translation! What a thrill though, I absolutely Love this station "Radio 3fach" (pronounced 'dry-faug') Check out their music vibes at if you so desire, the station only hires those music Lovers 25yrs and under... so there is always new music to listen to, a refreshing sound altogether! Soon, I will be heading back to Canada-land, to play some shows, and get ready for 'Big Money Shot'. A music competition held in Ottawa Ontario, where the winner can win up to $250000!! What a rush, to think I could make a new album and pay off all my debts from the last one!! Ha! To dream is to live, I say!! There will definitely be more to come on THAT subject!! Just have to get the band super tight so we can thrill the judges out there! At the end of the month I am flying to Halifax for "In the Dead of Winter" festival... I can't wait! I have never been to Hali and it's sure to be an adventure what with all the piles & piles of snow (that I have managed to avoid thus far!!). I play on the 31st at "The Company House" and will have much fun checking out the other artists through the week, for more info go to and if you are on the East Coast, come check it out!!! Tomorrow night I will play my last show in Luzern for awhile, it's been an amazing trip, one filled with countless moments of inspiration, bread, cheese & chocolate!! I have many many new ideas for new songs, melodies waiting to be filled with lyrics... I've been a little empty of words lately, can you imagine??? Well, I am sure they will come in time for my new album... anyway, I play on Saturday night at "Penny Farthing Pub House" in Kriens... it's a 9:30pm start for those readers out there anywhere near this part of the world. Next Wednesday I am singing in Montreal, at Casa Del Popolo, with Joe Grass & Charlotte Cornfield, we will be doing the show a la "song circle" style, so come check it out if you are in THAT part of the world!! There are SO many places to play, to see, to feel... wow, the world is full of wonder, isn't it???? Okay, take care, and Live well. xox

Lovliness in Luzern

It seems as though life is getting away from me here in the world of  Swiss wonder. I apologize to those readers who might have missed hearing from me. I had a dream last night that I was back home in Canada, that I never had a chance to say good-bye to all the splendour here... it made me very sad to say the least, and that much more appreciative of my time here. I have been in the land of Chocolate & Cheese for a month and have one more month to go. Then it's back to my home & native, which I Love more than anything, just to be sure!! Being here gives one a much different perspective on life. For an example, most of the time, I can't understand a bloody thing anyone says. You know what? This greatly pleases me, I thought it would be bothersome, but I quite like not having to express my opinion and I am content in not overhearing banal conversations such as the weather or sore feet. Language in general is much simpler to use here. One uses only the absolute necessary words to get their point across and you really only make a point if it's important, interesting or profound. It's pretty neat, there isn't a lof of time or use for the insignificant. I have learned a LOT while here, peace and quiet has a whole new meaning for me. I have also been working new songs, I have three at this point and really look forward to the day when I get back into studio to record another album. When I return home, I will travel to Halifax for the first time. There is an excellent new music festival that I will be a part of called "In the Dead of Winter". My one true Love (besides Music) is the Ocean... Halifax is on the Ocean... I can't wait. In the meantime, I will do some more writing here, spend some time on the slopes, eat some Cheese Fondue, play some gigs ( I play here with an excellent Cajon/Kahon player, it's so great to have a percussionist by my side!! Thanks  Andy!!) I will spend Christmas with some great friends, make sure to get my fill of Chocolate too!! So I hope all of you out there have a wonderful Holiday... put your feet up and have an eggnog for me!!! I'll write soon, Love Lindsay xox