
I Laughed, I Cried, I Sang

I awoke this morning to a text message that was worded so beautifully that I just had to share....

"Hey song bird, I bet it was nice to feel the wind blowing through your wings last night!"

Boy was it ever.

Lindsay singing in the garden at Mokka in Thun

Lindsay singing in the garden at Mokka in Thun

Like everyone else, we have been through some drastic changes, haven’t we? I am not sure they have come to a screeching halt and that life is anywhere near to returning to what it was, not that it should… but I digress… It has been almost a year since I had a set, a stage and audience to myself and I pretty much convinced myself that I was okay with that. I dove into new things; I studied Ayurveda, I bonded with Mules, I learned about healing herbs and flowers and plants (it is a never ending path of wisdom and greatness, let me tell you! I have jars and jars filled with Mother Nature’s gift, waiting to be steeped into tea, or tinctured or oils, salves and creams… but I digress!

Red Clover is a plant ally! She is great for osteoarthritis, arthritis, hair health and is even great for hot flashes! Pick some, dry it, jar it and then figure out how Red Clover can work with you!

Red Clover is a plant ally! She is great for osteoarthritis, arthritis, hair health and is even great for hot flashes! Pick some, dry it, jar it and then figure out how Red Clover can work with you!

Last evening was a highlight of my singing career. It gave me an insight that I truly could not have known before The Great Pause. I am aware that it feels good to share music, and to be appreciated for it. That, I have learned over the years. That “certain something” you can’t quite put your finger on, the energy which dances unseen (though certainly felt!) between us… I have and always will enjoy that, and to be sure, I appreciate you, too. But last night, it was like those already great feelings were exaggerated. The insight was the realization that I had really missed playing more than I thought I had. It was like a kind of reunion with an old friend, an old friend that I didn’t know I hadn’t seen? It’s hard to explain what I mean, but I felt high and nervous, almost like it was the first time I walked onto the stage at the Black Sheep Inn (the Black Sheep Inn is a very famous venue in Canada.) Imagine, after years of doing this, I got to fall in Love all over again. I felt like a kid in a candy shop., and there was even CANDY too!!

Imagine my surprise when I arrived into the green room to a plate of candy with a donkey in the middle? I took it as a great sign of what was to come, considering I am, after all, a Mother Of Mules (follow me and my mules on Instagram /motherofmules

Imagine my surprise when I arrived into the green room to a plate of candy with a donkey in the middle? I took it as a great sign of what was to come, considering I am, after all, a Mother Of Mules (follow me and my mules on Instagram /motherofmules

I arrived in Thun on a swelteringly hot day. When I get hot I turn red, red, RED!! I was a hot mess! The only thing that can tame Hot Messy Sweaty Lindsay is cold water and I wasn’t prepared to jump into the Aare which runs through Thun and is currently very very cold. All this to say, upon entering the garden at Mokka Bar I forgot about the heat, and was quickly enchanted by the fairytale-like and whimsical space I would be spending the next few hours in. I had to remind myself to breathe, to try to stay calm and to NOT SPEED UP THE MOMENTS!! Coffee in the morning would come soon enough. They even had the biggest vase of fresh flowers that I have ever seen, to accompany me on stage. I was back home.

My first stage in a LONG time at Mokka Bar in Thun

My first stage in a LONG time at Mokka Bar in Thun

As I mentioned before about the Black Sheep Inn, the Mokka Bar in Thun is just as sought after for performances and just as professional. It is not easy to get a gig there, mostly you just have to know someone because the emails are too many to really keep up with and the level of talent requiring gigs is also top notch. By luck, perseverance, hard work and never giving up, I worked with someone in the past who happened to whisper into the ear of the booker about this Canadian musician now living in Switzerland. Needless to say, when I got the invitation, I didn’t even check my schedule before I said yes. I was THAT sure. To be welcomed back into the Singing Game, in a place like this has reignited the fire in me, that had definitely, over the past year, dwindled into a spark. I am so grateful and feel more alive now!!! How in the world could I have ever forgotten, but I kind of did. I filled up my days with other things, beside travel, touring and booking. To be sure, the music never faded and I was fortunate enough to write quite a few new songs! I worked really hard to get those new songs ready for my Mokka Show (without having to read the lyrics) and what a delight, that I had such an amazing green room to practice them in!!

Behind the scenes where the magic lives, in the green room. If only these walls could talk!

Behind the scenes where the magic lives, in the green room. If only these walls could talk!

I was going to post a few photos to my social media, with a shoutout of thanks to all who came to listen last night, but I thought, nope, this post needs a bit more thoughtful, with a little more poetic care. After all, we are talking about the best thing human beings ever invented, MUSIC! I didn’t realize how big that gaping hole was (life with NO LIVE MUSIC) until I stepped up onto that magical stage last and the wind stirred, and really did blow through my wings. I won’t ever forget that fresh feeling, like finding new love again, and I won’t ever forget how truly profound music is to us all. Sometimes when you study music and work at it, you lose sight of the true gift that it is.

Song Block!

I guess it's a good sign when you wake up with a song in your head, day after day, and it's especially cool if it's your own... Personally I am almost driving myself crazy with it on repeat, replay, repeat and again! Waaaaaaaaaaaa! This melody has been with me for a week now as well as most of the lyrics, but I just can't seem to find the missing puzzle pieces!  I wanted to post it today, to actually present some MUSIC for a change (after all, it is what I have this website for.)  But it isn't always easy to finish something (there are over six hours of unfinished songs in my Iphone!! What am I like??) Sometimes I wish I wasn't so finicky (okay, SOMEtimes I am not! But in most cases, when you are writing a song, every word counts. I remember doing a songwriter's workshop with Singer Songwriter extra-ordinaire Lynn Miles a few years back and she made a point to remind us that every lyric she places in a song has it's own important place. Each "The" and every "and" are intricately considered. Some songs just flow on out, effortlessly, but not today.

So I thought to go out for a hike, to see if the lyrics would reveal themselves. Maybe the creeks and rivers would spark something in me...





And now I have a bunch more words to consider. But not quite the perfect fit! 

HOPEfully I will be able to share with you some NEW MUSIC next week, or maybe even in the next few days? Gotta dream big... ! I have pages and pages of "brainstorming" happening... The living room's a mess!! Yes,  song writer lives here..... 



Ta-Ta Thirties!!

Were you scared of turning over into the BIG FOUR OH? How did you feel leaving your thirties? Perhaps you are reading this and are nowhere near either age and probably even think that forty is old! Once upon a time, I thought forty was old. But now that I am days away from leaving my thirties forever, I realize I am still me and feel, inside, ageless. I see lines appearing on my face and other various parts of my body, lines that were never there before, and to me, they are just there and nothing more than expressions of life continuing to live.


A decade of living in my thirties has taught me a a lot. From that first night, celebrated in Wakefield, Quebec at Kaffe 1870, (one of the sweetest little pubs in the world) I sang my heart out on that little stage and we made a right 'ole night of it. That night was the catapult into my song-writing adventures as a committed musician. I was moving away from Wakefield to live my life as the Singer I was meant to be. I'd dabbled in music for years before that but by the time I hit thirty, I was ready to take it on, full time. It was my first year as a professional in the industry...I would go on to write enough songs to record my very first full length record "Sound."   I had the whole world at my fingertips and I still do. WE still do. Anything is possible.



Forty seemed so far away. How could I ever be ready for such an elephantine age? But somehow, I will ease into it with grace and I am ready. Life is like that, you don't even know it, but it is preparing us, every second for whatever comes our way. If only I knew then what I know now, so many moments of worry and fear would have been non-existent. It IS true, life after thirty changes, something shifts inside and room for wisdom is made. Some things we wish we could UN learn, but the steadfast beat of the ever-thumping time drum keeps on keeping on.



The wheel just doesn't stop so there is no point in fighting it. One thing for sure that I have learned over the course of my life, is that it only gets better. At one point I feared getting older. Now I know that you don't get older, you get wiser! Sure, I mentioned the collection of lines, earlier, but really we just collect knowledge. I Love that. Certainly we don't always use our new-found wisdom, and would rather disregard some things (we are human and occasionally need to drink MORE water on a Sunday morning! When will we ever learn?)  I suppose the biggest lessons I learned from my thirties had to with Self. Self Love. Self acceptance. Self awareness. Self respect. Perhaps it sounds Self ISH, but we are only given one life and we have to live with ourselves for the rest of it. I wanted to impart some of the insights I found while living through this last decade, but these words from Herman Hesse sum it up quite nicely.



So, there it is. The next time I write, I will be Forty years and counting. Today, right this second I am the youngest I will ever be and the oldest I have ever been.
