It's been six months, 180 days since I wrote to you the last time. I can't really say what or why it has taken me so long to come back here! Maybe it's that I enjoy those personal connections, those connects that happen between real life people, the back and forth conversations between us where we can look at each other, see the nuances, the expressions, the crinkles, the colours! We can hear the textures of voice and sound around us, be inspired through what is happening in the back ground, what we are seeing, feeling, the smells, the looks, the hustle! When I sit here, in my office (I use the term lightly though, as this room is also where I create and practice music, create and design cards, earrings, dreams and the like) up here in this old farmhouse, it isn't as much fun to ramble on about life and it's qualities/quandary's without the real life you!
Alas, it is also nice to connect here and to share a bit about my life, with you, my friends, family and fans! How lucky am I to have YOU, whether in actuality or virtual reality, I am happy you are here. Over the past few months, life has been very kind. SO many changes and SO MANY new songs!!! When I think back the to the last six months of life, it looks good... To be SURE, I am grateful... But where to start?? Switzerland, Ireland or Canada?? I've had the good fortune (desire, will, perseverance and MIGHT) to perform and travel to and within all of these countries since I last wrote...All of these places have been home to me at some point and cultivating the connections and friendships that life has afforded me between these patches of land.... My heart! Oh the people you can meet, the places you can go!
Ireland was very much like I had remembered it. Full of small yet profound moments, enforcing my belief in magic, fairies and musical healing (and the true meaning of "The Hair of the Dog." What a spot. I even tried my hand at busking for the first time. It was the Galway Arts Festival and everyone was out on the streets, sharing their talent, the hustle was real! As I was wandering around the market, with my guitar strapped to my back, a fine guitarist asked me if I wanted his spot to play and he accompanied me for a few songs to break the ice of "my first busk." I have to admit, I was nervous. I decided, in the end, to rent a guitar for my performances, otherwise I would have had to pay double what the renting cost was to bring my (lug my) own guitar through airports, train stations and more. It was a fabulous idea, thanks to Opus 2 for the rental!
Summer is ALWAYS great, everywhere but I would probably have to say that about Spring and Autumn too. I am not a HUGE Lover of Winter, but I DO enjoy the darker, shorter days (call me crazy) but candle light and cozy just go hand in hand with the type of life I aspire to (and) have! Hot drinks just taste that much better when it is freezing outside. Recently I went to a Christmas Market up on Mount Pilatus, in Switzerland. CHECK THIS VIEW OUT....
I mentioned song writing and LOTS of it. The tap seems to be very giving and new songs are coming at record speeds! This means that a new record will be imminent in 2018. Not sure how but where there is a will there is a way! Here is a favourite shot from the past Summer, singing at The Wakefield Market.... It remains to be one of my favourite gigs. Not only do I get to sing for a huge range of people, all ages, but the gift of singing in the middle of all that ART and Loveliness can not be compared....
As we get older (I just passed another year around the sun) life starts to reveal truths. OR, rather, we start to really see them. I am sure they are there all along. It has been monumental (and slightly mental) getting older, because... WISER!!! Now I know things and am stronger with regards to things that would have tortured me in the past. It gets easier to say things like "No thank you!" and "Yes, I really DO am going to be kinder to myself!" Which leads me to sharing the BIGGEST change that I made, for myself, ever...
Around six months ago, I watched the documentary "What The Health" and decided to eat a plant based diet. It was on a whim and I NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE thought I would do it or even wanted to do it. Ever. I thought, maybe two weeks might teach me something. Well, it taught many somethings. Some of which I would never share with anyone, because it is not my duty to try and change you. So I will not pontificate. I will say, that I have never felt better in my life and no longer live with chronic pain. I am not one for labels (plus I can't label myself as the DREADED V word because we have chickens here who, when they feel like it, give us eggs!) It is a very sticky topic, FOOD. So do what you will, but know that eliminating animal products from your life will change you for the better. Maybe one day, when I am feeling stronger about this discussion (you have NO IDEA how many people hate on folks who want to change -or have changed- their diet to plant based, all of a sudden EVERYONE cares where I get my protein) I will elaborate in another full on blog about the subject. It has become VERY interesting to me, now that I feel so different!!!! Anyhooooo.....
In January, I am playing a VERY special concert. It will be recorded LIVE and I hope to get a few songs down for a Lindsay Live record! It has been something I have wanted to do for quite some time, and it is FINALLY happening, thanks to Peter Finc. If you want to be in the audience and you live in or near Bern, please save the date JANUARY 20th, Werkhof 102.
So I will leave you now and I will not let another 180 days go by with SO MUCH WEBSITE SILENCE! Life is a gift and I am privileged to be able to share with you little tidbits about the things I learn, the world I get to know. In the meantime, I will keep crafting words into songs and hope that you will keep listening.
Lots of Love,