As a child, I used to think the only thing a dandelion was good for was for picking and wishing on. I dreamed a lot on dandelions. Now I know those weeds full of wishes are not at all just for dreaming on. A dandelion is one of the first flowers to pop up in the Spring time, one of the first food for the bees. SAVE THE BEES and let those flowers grow! I always wondered how they shape-shifted from their bright yellow petals into those fluffy wishes. It all seems a bit like magic...perhaps the act of nature being nature is a bit magical in and of itself? Here is a time lapse video to show you HOW this wonderful feat happens!
There is this super Lovely gravel road that weaves through the forest, where I like to do some thinking. Yesterday I was trying to come up with an idea for today's Blog Post. I got to thinking about who reads my posts, and where they are when they are reading. I thought about my podcasts (which you can listen to here) and tried to picture the various places that people are listening from; kitchens, cars, living rooms, offices, headphones, speakers, stereos, lap tops..... I tried to envision you and my mind went into over-drive, thinking about all that! It was an eye-opening moment for me, thinking about you, out there. Recently, I have been realizing more and more the connection we have to one another. It is a delicate idea, one with many nooks, rivets, streams, routes and roads, similarities and differences, nuances, dreams, ideologies, moods and more....but here we are. Somehow, through these words and/or music, we feel and we imagine, together, but a thousand miles away.
So, I will paint you a picture from yesterdays 'outside moment' in the forest. Spring, 2016 in Switzerland...
The air is fresh. Once in awhile a waft of perfume floats by. I stop to smell the flowers. The ground beneath me crunches and a stone flips into the back of my boot. I walk for a little while longer before the rock wedges itself in a place that I can not ignore. I take off my boot and try to balance myself on the uneven country floor, I free the stone. The sunlight spangles through the tree branches, up at their tops you can hear birdsong serenading each other. The trees sway in the slight wind and blossoms sail down to the ground. I catch one and think of someone I can no longer see in real life. Love in memories. In the distance there is a chorus of bells, low notes sway from the cows and high notes swing from the sheep. A farmer, plowing the field has caught my attention. I peek at him through the trees, he does not know I am there, he is far away and looks about the size of my finger. He slices the long grasses and places them in a way for easy drying, to be fed to his animals, later. As I walk further, I notice much of the grass needs to be hayed for the animals, but not before I get in there and pluck a few of the wild flowers. As I am picking, I am thinking about my child hood and how I would stop on my bike ride home from school to pick some lilacs for my Mother. The scent of lilacs takes me right back to that corner where the dark purple blossoms meets the white and I am thrilled at the thought of my Mama's smile. A car drives by me, as I am waist high in tall grasses and I wonder what they are thinking and if they are thinking about their childhood as they see me holding wild flowers. Perhaps I have inspired them to decorate THEIR kitchen table with these flowers soon to be gone (eaten.) I catch myself thinking too much and start to focus on what I see around me. Something to help me calm the noise inside. I hear the bells again, and I see an apple tree up ahead with three types of blossoms. This apple tree will have three kinds of apples growing from it, and I think of my husband, showing me how to tie (and eventually grow) different breeds of apples together (on the same tree.) The world surprises me more often than not.
I am thankful.