I considered not posting today. It has been a bit of an emotional week and I can't quite put my finger on it, but to be sure there were no exciting EUROVISON moments or GREAT BIG party stories that I had to share, no new recipes, no crazy pertinent, profound, monumental occasions and therefore not too much to share. Kind of a dull (and dark) week so I thought maybe I wouldn't write at all. But then I thought, what about my readers? Maybe they (you,) like me, look forward to something on a Wednesday. I look forward to reading FREE WILL ASTROLOGY Horoscopes on Wednesday's. I read them all, and if I see something that works for a friend, I will share it with them. My husband is NOT into Horoscopes at all, and part of me understands why (he feels that if you read something someone else writes about your fortune, is will sway you into making decisions -you might not make- because of it) but I like it. Some form of guidance that I can either take, or leave.
So what does ours say about we Scorpios for the week??
“Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Author Rebecca Solnit offers some tough advice that I think you could use. “Pain serves a purpose,” she says. “Without it you are in danger. What you cannot feel you cannot take care of.” With that in mind, Scorpio, I urge you to take full advantage of the suffering you’re experiencing. Treat it as a gift that will motivate you to transform the situation that’s causing you to hurt. Honor it as a blessing you can use to rise above the mediocre or abusive circumstances you have been tolerating. ”
Wow. There you go. Funny timing for such words, and this is why I look forward to reading these things, as superficial as some might think they are, sometimes they really are spot on. These words remind me of when I was at a Healing Ceremony a few months ago, drinking plant-based medicine with a Shaman, medicine that would make me barf over and over and over again. I was feeling sorry for myself and could not quiet my mind nor my stomach. One of the 'helpers' looked at me in the eyes and asked me the morning after, (after I had shared with her that I must leave and can not participate in another evening of torture) she asked me why I have to eradicate the pain, and suffering but instead welcome it and feel it and accept that it is an okay part to life, to go through it, to feel it, to experience it, why the need to hate it, to disregard it, to repel it? I never questioned it before, always trying to ignore pain and/or sweep it under the rug, as if it has no place in my life. But since she spoke those words to me, I have looked at it differently, for sure. It is true, without darkness how can you know light?
Anyway, now that I think of it, I DID do something different this week. I painted a painting for the second time in my life. The first time, I was living in Ireland working at Renvyle House Hotel, on the shores of West Coast Ireland, when a painter came to teach a painting workshop. There were not enough attendees to the course, so he invited me to go along with them, to an old haunted shipyard, with all the necessary materials for painting these old rusty, history-filled boats. I spent most of my time working on one ships hull and it was looking alright, until he told us we had forty minutes left.. I scrambled, trying to find ways to fill up 3/4 of my canvas in forty minutes. Needless to say, I left the painting in Ireland. This past weekend I spent some time with a friend who decided to pull out her paint supplies, and we sat at her little wooden kitchen table under a skylight beside the River Aare in Bern and took to creating. Here is what I came up with!
I guess, when looking back on the week nothing obviously BAD happened, thankfully, and I am also reminded that I did an interview with Sean Kelly from MIX 97 as part of "Weekend Magazine" which you can listen to right now by clicking on this link. I am also updating my TOUR section, for some anticipated Canadian shows!!!! Canada; I am coming home soon.