Hear the Music.

A few days ago I received an email containing an old song that I recorded, one of my first songs ever, one of my first times in the studio as well. It was a terrible song, and a delightful song, one that made me shiver in “yuck” and one that gave me goosebumps at the same time. It’s amazing how one can react to music. We are so lucky though, to have such a thing exist in our lives. There seems to be a lot of talk these days about the importance of music. How musicians should be funded, if they should be funded…how can you place value on something that is a unique artform, evoking a different feeling for each person hearing/feeling  the art itself. It comes from the beginning of time, it’s the only thing that threads us, as a human race, together. It’s the one true simple thing that brings us all together, yet at times, we music makers are treated like second class citizens, or worse, plain ole forgotten about. It’s strange, it’s sad, it’s disappointing and it can be emotionally exhausting swimming against  the current, borrowing, couch surfing, pretending, soul searching, creating, always having to be on. And it’s all for what? I was taught to stay true to myself, and this is what I am doing. Dreaming? Perhaps. Letting my soul, my melody guide me? Perhaps. For me? Yes. But never to be forgotten, it’s for YOU too. I Love my job. It’s fun to make music, to write songs, to travel, to tour, to shine under the lights of a stage, to be Loved, to share my music, to be a part of so many different shows, where I can learn about other great music makers. I’m not really sure where this blog is going but can I encourage you readers out there to go see a live music show  this weekend and help support this rare gift that we can ALL be a part of. Support your live musicians. We need you. Love, Lindsay xo

Lindsay’s Top Ten Live Canadian Musical Performances of 2010 (in no particular order….)

The Juno Awards Gala I had the pleasure of being in St. John’s, Newfoundland during Juno week back in April. I was volunteering and had the fortune of being a “seat filler” during the awards gala where I got to sit with Glass Tiger and April Wine!! Michael Buble, The Great Lake Swimmers, Justin Bieber and Jully Black were all performers but I have to say, the highlight was singing along with a few thousand people to K’Naans “Wavin’ Flag.” The whole week was stellar and there was talent everywhere… what a magical city full of amazing artisitc creativity. Even with the fog and grey skies everyday, it is by far the most colourful place I have been to!!

Watters Brothers

These brothers sure can tear it up! Hailing from Ottawa Ontario, Muddy and Danny Watters, have an eclectic  sound of rock meets sweat meets funk meets Love. I have been to a few of their shows (even sharing the stage with them), however the best show to date in my mind, and one of my favourites of 2010, has to be back in May, when they were competing for 150 000 big ones as part of The Big Money Shot. The combined magic between these brothers makes you want to scream and shout and dance and scream and shout all over again.  Get ready to rock N rumble while out on the town listening to their music, they just released an album “Rock and Roll Mansion” which you should go out and find A.S.A.P.

The Beauties

The Beauties are one of my ALL TIME FAVOURITE bands… If you ever have the chance to see them, I highly recommend it. The BEST venue for seeing their stellar-ness is in Toronto at “The Dakota Tavern.” They play on Sunday nights, and all the greats come out to see them, and sometimes join in on a song  or two; Kathleen Edwards, Justin Rutledge, Colin Cripps to name a few. The best drummer on the planet just happens to drum with them, and YES, that is a HUGE statement, considering I play with some amazingly awesome drummers, but Derek Downham is FIERCE. Not to mention their jams, they go someplace else entirely, somewhere dreamy, and have the unique ability to take ALL of us with them on their journey. I am sure they won’t be playing every Sunday night for long, as they have wild talent and will most definitely be playing the whole world soon.

Plants & Animals

Another HOT Canadian  band out of Montreal, Quebec. They too are going CRAZY big right now, and seeing them at Wakefield Quebec’s LEGENDARY Black Sheep Inn, is a priviledge I will not forget. It was a cold November night, my big brother Jeff’s birthday to be exact, and what a brilliant show. Warren, lead singer, has a voice that can kill. And he does “kill it” holy smokes. They are a trio who sound like a rock orchestra, and you REALLY have to listen to some of their sounds if you haven’t already. They tour the world and you may be lucky to catch them in a village or city near you!!

Flora Poste

Sweet soulful melancholy Flora Poste. A songstress hailing from Aylmer Quebec, now in Canada’s fabulous city of Montreal, is taking over stereos one note at a time. Flora Poste a.k.a Melissa Trottier, is a dear friend, whom I have been listening to alongside campfires and coffee tables for the past few years now. Only, in  2010 we saw the release of her first, her debut album “In the Open.” And I am incredibly thankful that she decided to share her sweet sounds with the world. I had the great honour of seeing her sing in Canada’s legendary “Juke Joint” The Black Sheep Inn, alongside the Gatineau River, in front of thick red velvet curtains…What a love-soul-filled vocal she possesses, and I do not speak lightly when speaking of vocals, let me tell ya!! So go on out, or stay at home and FIND Flora Poste, you will not be sorry!!

Kinnie Starr

This woman has a freedom on stage that comes from YEARS of experience. She rules the room and has attitude! She raps, she dances, she poetry slams, she’s coy, she’s playful, she is soulful and her lyrics, combined with melody and computer beats, speak to us all. A few years ago, I saw her play and wasn’t really here or there about it, but the CD came into my hands, and I played it over and over and over. A few years later, the CD is missing and out of sight out of mind, until this October, when I was in attendance at The OCFF (festival conference), there she was, on the roster to play. I was watching this tiger woman in a small hub of a hotel room, displaying her raw talent in a showcase room, the size of a closet and I was mesmorized. Phew. Amazing.

Brock Zeman

Brock Zeman is a genius song writer. He blows me away. A mix of Steve Earle meets Tom Waits, this Canadian Lanark Country artist, is a secret that needs to be shared with the world. As a song-writer myself, finding the lyrics doesn’t come easy,  Brock makes it look as easy as frying bacon in the pan. I had the pleasure of immersing myself into his sound in Perth Ontario at O’reilly’s Pub this past Autumn, and although we have shared shows in the past,  a whole new pile of inspiration was born into my life. Sometimes I go to his homepage, just to read his “story” songs… REALLY, go check him out. You too will be changed forever! Thanks Brock!!

Lily Frost

This woman is a fabulous songstress with the unique abillty to keep you entranced during her entire performance. I am not easily ridden with goosebumps, but she gives them to me, all over. Her voice is haunting and her show is full of beauty, wonder, sexiness and she even plays the Theramin!! She tours with her husband Jose, who is a subtle guitar genius, can I say that? His playing is so subtle and adds to her voice like honey to chamomile. I was at Wakefield’s reknownd Black Sheep Inn (once again!),  and listening to them perform in front of those pretty red velvet curtains and under a star lit sky by the River was a thriling evening of inspiration.

The Pathological Lovers

This is the HOTTEST new band out of St. John’s, Newfoundland, hands down. I Love the music that comes from that beautiful corner of the world, but there is something SO fine about these guys, they make you want to get up and dance the night away! Jody Richardson is a household name in these parts, and his lyrics combined with his swirling melodies have the “POW” and “WOW” factors. I had the pleasure of seeing The Lovers rock out at one of St. John’s’ finest (and dirtiest)  venues for live music, The Ship Pub, where it’s no problem to get hot and sweaty, letting loose until the wee hours. It’s a difficult thing to get off the Island, let alone getting a whole band off… so I can only PRAY that one day they will tour around Canada, but in the meantime, pick up one of their cd’s or download it… or if you want to see an AWESOME video,  google them, and check out “Best Served” and listen to the lyrics if you can.

Fish ‘N Bird

This is a band full of young’uns who are a total talent package. Coming from various parts of Canada, mostly B.C and now living in Toronto, this is a folk grass pop band that you WILL hear of sooner than later, of this I am sure. Being based out of Wakefield Quebec, I can see the best of the best in music at The Black Sheep Inn, which I may have mentioned earlier?? In any case, I had never heard of this blissful meets melancholic group,and was SO happy to walk into that room and hear their sounds. Fiddle meets stand up bass, meets TAYLOR ASHTON vocal-man-extra-ordinaire. Like GOOSE bump vocals… On top of it all, they have no ego, when their music is going to put them all on the map… Let’s hope the innocence prevails and they continue to thrive in their grassy rooty lovey dirty dark happy musical magical journey. Fish N Bird. Great band, GREAT name too.

Happy Holidaze

Greetings from the Bernese Oberlands! Currently on the radio they are playing "For Your Eyes Only." What a blast from the past, not sure if I should run over and switch the station?? Hahahaa... So what are YOUR plans for the Holidays? It does seem a bit rushed this year, I have fond memories of skinny dipping in the Gatineau River, and not sure how winter, let alone Christmas has arrived so quickly. Alas, time flies when you are having fun, so they say. Here I sit atop a hill over-looking a quaint village, filled with Swiss houses, shooting smoke from their chimneys. We have a small wood stove in the kitchen which heats the whole house... I should actually be stoking the fire as we speak, but heck, this small computer seems to eradicate time completely and the next thing you know, I am back down in the kitchen re-starting the fire once more. I tried to get up for the eclipse by the way, and I was up about a half hour before it started, then to my dismay, I fell, once again into a deep sleep and missed it entirely. Though, I did dream that I saw it, twice, once it went very slow, and in the other dream, it was SUPER fast, in fast forward motion... Maybe I shouldn't eat so much chocolate before bed???? Hahahaa, it IS the holiday season tho, and chocolate is a MUST!!! Especially when in Switzerland. I was interviewed on Swiss Radio Rabe this past weekend, and if you would like to have a listen, please do, but you will need Windows Media Player, or something like it.... http://beemy.catatec.ch:554/ramgen/20101218.rm?start=10:08:00&end=11:00:00

So if you happen to be in the Luzern area, and would like to attend a gig, featuring two Canadian Songstresses, please come on out on the 6th of January, at The Gewerbehalle, where the Lovely and Talented Christina Maria and myself will take to the stage... Have a super holiday in the meantime, MUCH Love from the land of Chocolate & Cheese, Lindsay xo

Swiss Air

There must be something about the air here in Switzerland. I have been here for  6 days, have had two gigs and am on my third song. I don’t know what it is, could be the cheese, could be the chocolate, could be the bread, could be the prosecco. It’s a fabulous country, one that many think is full of money and dull people, but it’s not the case, I assure you. I am staying between a couple ofplaces while I am here; one is a small rural village, much like the one I am based out of in Canada, minus the pubs and restaurants, plus the roosters crowing in the morning and quaint houses that are over two hundred years old. The other is a city with a River running through it, nestled on a lake and church bells from dozens of chuches that  ring every 15 minutes, talk about a cacophony of sound! It’s music to my ears, possibly ringing out history of sorts? I can picture the old guys up there once upon a time, pushing the big bells back and forth themselves. It’s Christmas time, so it is, and the simplicity of the decorations out here is something we North Americans could learn from. It’s romantic and elegant and there aren’t big plastic red and white candy canes everywhere, more like glass coloured balls and strings of gold and silver lights all out on display, for anyone and everyone to rip down if they want, but no one does. There are fully decorated HUGE Christmas trees up around the town and they stay untouched and gazed upon throughout the whole season, a true peace and calm of sorts. Anyway, I am hoping this messages reaches you and reminds you that there is a whole other world out there, one to be devoured and learned from if you so desire! It’s not easy to break away from the crazy fast paced path that we are on, but we can learn and Love for free. Just sayin. Lindsay xo

High Flyin'

Hi from Air Canada flight 868 to Zurich, Switzerland. It was a long walk through Pearson airport to get to this seat on the plane, I am still flush from all the heavy stuff I was carrying, which is now safely tucked away in the over head compartment. The first class (executive) section on this plane looks like it’s from a space ship… there are pods to sit or lay down in, I wonder  what the business class will look like when I can afford a ticket to sit in it, perhaps there will be beds behind locked doors, then perhaps the mile high club won’t sound as appeasing?? Ha! Who knows when or where, but the “whatever it’s called” class will be welcomed! In the meantime, I am happy in my lots of leg room seating beside a nice man who doesn’t talk much. The ceilings are a lot higher in this plane too, so it doesn’t feel as claustrophobic. I fly into Zurich where I will be picked up and taken to one of my favourite cities in the land of chocolate and cheese, Luzern. Here I will embark on a few weeks of writing new songs, eating cheese fondue, drinking delicious coffee, spending time with friends, buying cheap vodka, devouring the world’s (in my opinion) BEST pizza with an amazing friend who is originally from St. John’s Newfoundland and now lives in Switzerland, he in fact introduced me to Switzerland and the best ever pizza, I am a lucky girl, choosing to live in Newfoundland all those years ago, choosing to work on the famous “George Street”.  Life is funny that way, it really is a series of events, one after  the other; a series of questions to be answered; a wallop of choices to be made. It’s really all up to you, continue reading, don’t, get up and move, watch T.V, answer the phone, let someone else, go for brunch, cook it yourself, book a flight, ride your bike… yep, let’s keep it simple and just go with the flow! Aren’t we all wound a little too tightly? I think we should just breath deep and let life happen, it will you know, exactly the way it’s supposed to and we, as human beings are resilient, and will strive for a good time, and we will get it. Now I have to turn off this electronic device and listen to the plane, feel the plane do it’s thing. See you in Swissie-Land. Lot’s of writing to come. Heart, Lindsay xo

Winners in the end...

Hey folks, No matter what, at he end of the day, I am blessed with music in my veins! we may not have placed further in the competition, but we are $5000 richer! It was a blast of a time though and I had the great fortune of meeting some stellar Ottawa musicians whom I hadn't met yet... It still surprises me as to how much talent there is in this city! I hosted an "All Ottawa Music Room" as part of a music conference: Ontario Council of Folk Festivals, a couple of weekends ago, and it was such a blast! There were over 800 delegates in attendance and SO MUCH MUSIC... it's a brilliant conference, and the Ottawa Bluesfest Collective sponsored my hotel room, so we could showcase some of the great players of this musical (yes, musical) city. If you haven't yet checked out Kenny Voita, he is a talented songster who really sings... like he is SO good! Marc Nelson is another great performer, and Trevor Alguire has a great new album to drive to. These are Ottawa area music makers that you should have a listen to for sure! So we didn't win The Big Money Shot, but at the very least, the band became more of a sweet unit, we have a great bunch of songs down pat nice and tight, and I look forward to getting a new album with a stellar band sometime in the mid-new year...we have a bunch of new tunes to share!! In the meantime, I am heading over to Switzerland, for a song-writing term, what better place to start out the winter months? Sitting at the bottom of the Alps with pen in hand and candles lit... bring on the Cheese Fondue, not to mention Raclette!! hey, Onwards and upwards my friends...


This Friday Night! BMS Round 2!

Hey folks! I thought I should tell you that we are playing in a massive competition on Friday night. It's ROUND 2 of The Big Money Shot, where we stand the chance to win a spot in the 3rd round, which has Big Money Prizes for said chosen bands. At the moment we are one in ten contenders for the $150 000 grand prize. On Friday night, the 22nd October, TWO bands will be chosen to move forward into the 3rd round, which will be held on the 19th of November, at The Capital Music Hall in Ottawa on York Street. It's a VERY exciting process, and the competition is steep, as Ottawa has one of the best music scenes in Canada, though I am afraid this is a secret to many!! We, my band and I, have been rehearsing like mad, to come up with the best set ever!! It's a 25 minute slot, so that means choosing 6 of our favourite (and we hope YOURS!) songs. We shall take to the stage at 11:15pm SHARP, and this time around we will have LINDSAY FERGUSON T-shirts!! Woo Hoo! So, if you are reading this and in the Ottawa area, don't hesitate to come on down and listen to 5 amazing bands on Friday night.  See you then??? Hope so! Lindsay xo

Round ONE Winners!! Woooo Hooooo!!

Hey folks! We did it! We practiced like mad and made it into the Round 2 finals of The Big Money Shot, Ottawa Radio's Live 88.5 music competition. Round 2 is on October 22nd, where we will be competing against four other extremely talented bands to get into the final round, Round 3, where we stand to win $150 000 towards this ever-lasting music career of mine!! I express great thanks to all the friends, family and fans who came out to support us on September 24th. We truly couldn't have done it without you, so I encourage you to mark the October 22nd down on your calendars!!! We still need you, your Love and your cheers!! People come up to me after my shows with gratitude and praise in their hearts and eyes, and it is SUCH a blessing... sometimes I hear "Well, you probably hear this a lot, so it might not matter to you what I think but..." and I just want all of you LindsayLive fans to know, that every second of Love you give to me, comes out in my music and performance, and it means the world t0 me to hear from you, and realizing that people are digging my music, NEVER gets old... so again, I thank you for all of the encouragement, and it's true, i could not do it without you! In other news, I submitted a resume to Cirque Du Soliel, they are looking for singers, and I actually heard back from them! They sent me over thirty songs to choose from and I had to submit a video of me singing one of them for the upcoming Toronto auditions... this and The Big Money Shot all in one day!! So I will wait patiently to hear if I get the call back for Cirque.... what an amazing opportunity indeed! They say great things happen in three's, so I wonder what the next one will be?? Hahahaaaa...in any case, I will certainly keep you posted with what's to come... and in the meantime, I will leave you with a couple of new tunes I performed live on Rogers Television last week, hope you enjoy and don't forget, October 22nd at Capital Music Hall in Ottawa... FULL BAND STYLE, we shall be rockin' it out!!! Thanks again,

Lindsay xo


Summer Phase to Autumn

And what an epic Summer indeed. Thankfully we have seasons up here in Canada, because I don't think I would be able to transition so smoothly into Winter after Summer. From fresh glowing skin to scarves, sweaters, toques and mittens... not so nice! That said, I do look forward to bringing out my Fall wear, I am a girl after fashion after all! Ha! Some scarves are worth the weather!! I think most of all, I will miss swimming in the Rivers and Lakes of Canada. What a fabulous way to completely change your EVERYTHING in an instant. One minute you are tired, groggy, hung over, sweaty, lethargic, zoned out, elsewhere, the next minute you are ALIVE  and refreshed and most likely a new Woman (or Man, depending...) Camping is also something I will miss, it's not really like me to be much of a camper, but after having tent walls on so many nights in the past few months, I have learned and come to Love a new side of me. I used to go to camp when I was a kid, those were some of the best days of my life, but we never actually camped as a family...I may have missed out in a way, but now I have the rest of my Summer Daze to make up for it. I may even buy myself my very own tent!! Ahhh looking forward to next Summer already? Better put a lid on that one...in the meantime, there is LOTS to think about and even more to do!! This Friday, the 24th of September, I have a pretty sweet gig coming up, FULL BAND STYLE!! I am entering the prelims of a music competition called "The Big Money Shot" where I have the chance to win up to $150 000 towards my music career. The first performance is a $5000 round which if we win, will take us to the next round, which if we win that, then we move to the LAST and FINAL round. If you are in the Ottawa area on the 24th come on down to The Live Lounge on York Street, it's going to be a great night and we need some crowd support!!! I am hoping to get a new CD or EP out in the very near future as well, so this $$ can only help towards getting YOU new music!! To dream is to LIVE...fingers crossed, the next posting will be one of celebration!! Only three more days of Summer left by the way... Enjoy... Lindsay xox

B.C Because...

35000 Feet up in the air... As I gaze out the window of this 747, I realize how big and glorious Canada is. Down below there is no lack of lakes, valleys, rivers, mountains...great wide open...it's a wonder any of us feel threatened by close proximity when there is so much land protecting us, surrounding us, giving us life, breath and ultimately, freedom. My parents moved me out of Bermuda when I was around four years old, and although a warmer climate year round sounds delectable, moving to this part of the world was the best thing Mum and Dad could have done.  I just spent the last two weeks on the West Coast of Canada in massive British Columbia. The mountains, the rivers, the lakes, the cities, the ocean, the forest fires, the gigantic trees, the bike rides, the white water, the fresh fish, the sweet country air, the bears, the bald eagles, the big horn sheep, the wild horses, the brand new French song, the new friends, the old friends, the music playing, the story sharing....The list goes on and on, and I am so very blessed to have been a part of it all. The first time I ventured out to B.C, I was nineteen, I stayed in Whistler for the month of August, sat on a porch lit by candles and gazed at the mountains in awe. It was a place I knew I had to return to and that, a promise.

Perhaps one of the best gigs of my life, this trip, I had the pleasure of being the hired songstress on a white water rafting / camping trip with the best adventure company; R.O.A.M (rivers, oceans and mountains) Facing my fears isnt' something I do hastily, but facing fifteen foot waves in an eighteen foot raft filled to the brim with a weeks worth of supplies for sixteen people, now THAT is fast. It was a thrilling adventure, and we even got to see a DOUBLE RAINBOW!!! There were Chinook salmon, making their way home to lay eggs, only to die at the end. It's crazy, they head home, to where they were born/hatched, only to swim from river to river to river to ocean, they grow up in the ocean, if they make it, swimming freely for four years, then returning, against the current, fighting all the way upstream to lay eggs, and the journey begins again for their sons and daughters. Watching them swim with such force, was a miracle in itself.  I am sitting on this plane, revelling in all of lifes beauty, and am most certainly refueled for the cooler days to come. I can't tell you how thankful I am to be here right now, but know that there is certainly a piece of my heart left out there in the West. xo