And what an epic Summer indeed. Thankfully we have seasons up here in Canada, because I don't think I would be able to transition so smoothly into Winter after Summer. From fresh glowing skin to scarves, sweaters, toques and mittens... not so nice! That said, I do look forward to bringing out my Fall wear, I am a girl after fashion after all! Ha! Some scarves are worth the weather!! I think most of all, I will miss swimming in the Rivers and Lakes of Canada. What a fabulous way to completely change your EVERYTHING in an instant. One minute you are tired, groggy, hung over, sweaty, lethargic, zoned out, elsewhere, the next minute you are ALIVE and refreshed and most likely a new Woman (or Man, depending...) Camping is also something I will miss, it's not really like me to be much of a camper, but after having tent walls on so many nights in the past few months, I have learned and come to Love a new side of me. I used to go to camp when I was a kid, those were some of the best days of my life, but we never actually camped as a family...I may have missed out in a way, but now I have the rest of my Summer Daze to make up for it. I may even buy myself my very own tent!! Ahhh looking forward to next Summer already? Better put a lid on that the meantime, there is LOTS to think about and even more to do!! This Friday, the 24th of September, I have a pretty sweet gig coming up, FULL BAND STYLE!! I am entering the prelims of a music competition called "The Big Money Shot" where I have the chance to win up to $150 000 towards my music career. The first performance is a $5000 round which if we win, will take us to the next round, which if we win that, then we move to the LAST and FINAL round. If you are in the Ottawa area on the 24th come on down to The Live Lounge on York Street, it's going to be a great night and we need some crowd support!!! I am hoping to get a new CD or EP out in the very near future as well, so this $$ can only help towards getting YOU new music!! To dream is to LIVE...fingers crossed, the next posting will be one of celebration!! Only three more days of Summer left by the way... Enjoy... Lindsay xox