Lindsay GIGS & JUNOS in Newfoundland

Hey Folks, I have the GREAT pleasure to travel to St. John's, Newfoundland (my 2nd Canadian home) thanks to Porter Airlines for such a SWEET deal on my ticket!! I can't wait to get back to The Rock, and I have some pretty sweet gigs while I am there. On Tuesday the 13th of April I am playing at The Grapevine, Sunday the 18th I am a "seat filler" at The Junos and then head to play a gig down at The Rose & Thistle Pub, and then on the 21st I am playing at The Ship Pub as part of The Folk Club... It's going to be TRES exciting, and I look forward to sharing some stories as they happen... Hope if you are in St. John's during any of this time, you can make it out to a show!!!  Happy trails, travels and best of ALL, happy Spring! Lindsay xo

House Concert THIS Friday, April 9th and YOU are invited...

Happy Easter folks...I was on the road mostly, or singing on stages this weekend. Easter is one of my favourite holidays, as for some reason it's when my family gets together and does the most FUN things... Easter egg hunts, colouring, sugar bush visiting, waffle breakfasts, HAM... and all the rest. This year was different, tho the weather made everything close to perfect regardless of the fact that I missed out on all the chocolate delicacies! Tonight however, I spent some good times and even better food with some friends, in the country complete with roasted marshmallows... riding my bike home in the dark without a light (oops) but that's okay, beCAUSE there were faint glimpses of striking Northern Lights in the distant black sky that I was able to sit and watch for awhile, and perhaps, had I had a light on I may have missed them completely. Last night, I had a remarkable gig at a new old tavern in Ottawa called The Elmdale House Tavern as part of the "Spirit of Rasputins" series. For some reason, I felt electrified and played one of my best shows EVER!! I can only hope the electrification can last until next Friday (and beyond for that matter!!) and perhaps you might feel some of it if you come out to a house concert, if you are in the Stittsville area PLEASE come and have some good times... It's me and new Ottawa artist Ken Voita... to see a clip of some of our music, and to get in touch with the Concert Organizer, Allan Isfan, click on this link: and I truly hope to see you there! Heading onto The Rock (St. John's Newfoundland) on Monday... more to come... Lindsay xo

Canadian (maple syrup) Music Week 2010

Hello fine folks of the web world. Ohhh, to be connected by little fine black lines. Which no doubt, in turn, let us be connected by sounds and song! If you would like to come see me in REAL life, you know, the one where skin, sight and smell exists, please come to Toronto on Thursday night!! Aha! To the big city, the big smoke! There is a fantastic week of music happening, showcasing music from all over the world, downtown Toronto from Wed. the 10th til Sun. the 14th "Canadian Music Week." My showcase is at 11pm SHARP on March 11th at The Free Times Cafe. I am stoked, as I will have my very first drummer, back drumming with me again, after a few years apart. This time, Mr. Shawn Rompre will be accompanying me on Kajon drum, which is a box you sit on and tap in the front, it's a Peruvian drum, and it has strings inside it... quite the innovative and sweet addition to the music I bring to you! So, if perchance you ARE in the big city, I implore you to fill your weekend up (starting early... ahem, Thursday night!) with the wonderful and inspirational sounds of song...

Today, I am finishing up a batch of maple syrup over the open fire. What a dream, to sit in the warm almost Spring sun, boiling sap, which in turn, after many hours, makes the most delicious maple syrup. Thank you trees. Yummy pure bliss.

See you in Toronto.

Moi xo

It's a MAD, BEAUTIFUL world...

Indeed! We all know this, and we should all be patting ourselves on the back for making it this far. Winter is dark and TOUGH, but we are nearing the end of it! That said, it is snowing the beautiful light fluffy stuff, and for some strange reason I am LOVING it!! Listening to CBC on the radio and booking gigs, drinking hot coffee, dreaming about the cross country ski that I am about to go on. What a thrill, out there in the woods, just me and my heart beat pounding...nothing is as beautiful as being out there, there is something fiercely magical about the freezing cold air, and the motionless evergreens looming overhead...and really, at the end of it all it's like you have re-fueled your soul from the deceiving anxieties that like to sneak in! I must remember to balance the physical with the mental... it truly enhances the spiritual, and when THAT'S done, you can do anything!! Currently I am re-reading the book "Siddartha" and let me tell ya, it's another way to nourish the soul... good literature can change the world and I am SO thankful for that type of escapism... thank you authors of the world!! I applied for a Grant from Canada Council for the Arts, so PLEASE use your positive "approve Lindsay" energy for a split second in my direction... it would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Well, the coffee is almost finished, and it's time to get out there and face that winter wonderland... until it melts which might be later today, ya NEVER do know... take it easy folks and remember the beauty, it's out there for YOU to find.... xoxox

Music Speaks Louder

Thanks for the music. I go to sleep with songs, I wake with songs, sometimes my dreams even have a soundtrack. It's the ONE true constant in my life (besides change) and I am ever so grateful. Even living in Canada as a starving artist I am happy to have found this path. No, I have no house, don't own much except a few guitars and an old '92 Dodge. People ask for me to sing, and mostly I do... I was asked to write a song for The Black Sheep Inn, it's a place I frequent, and am inspired by, which I Love, so I said yes. It's that easy, that simple... just because I wasn't chosen by CBC to write a song for the venue I started my singing career in, doesn't mean I won't gladly do it... SO! THANK YOU to the folks who put me to the task of finding the "right" words... though, it AIN'T easy.. there are too many things, times, emotions and melodies to explore...I have been working on 3 different songs so far, in hopes that ONE will be sufficient for the February 11th debut (at The Black Sheep Inn)  I just have to remember that I am NOT here to please everyone, but if I can please a few, a few will do... xo

Top 10 shows of 2009 in no particular order

ANA EGGE Last February I was a part of a winter festival in Halifax (In the Dead of Winter) and I had the pleasure of hearing this woman’s voice, or should I say, FEELING this woman’s voice, warm honey meets soft leather, I don’t know, it’s really smashing though. You should check this American Songstress out, she is truly something.


After years of being on the Canadian music scene, I was finally able to catch K’Naan and his awesome band, at Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest this Summer on The Black Sheep Stage. His performance was one for the books, his message powerful and his craft well tended to, he was just so darn good! Later in his set he invited all the kids to dance on stage with him and the chaos behind the scenes ensued shortly when it was time to get off. It is however, OTTAWA and it all came together in the end.


This band is by far my favourite band right now. I saw them play twice this year. Lucky me!  They came to The Black Sheep Inn, in Wakefield Quebec and they blew the house down. What a great venue to see such a tight, inventive, precise, crazy wonderful band. I am a strong Lover of harmonies, and they are seriously KICK-BUTT in this department. If you see them coming to a venue near you, RUN like the wind. I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

Craig Cardiff

Craig was a part of a musical showcase that I organized at a music conference called Ontario Council of Folk Festivals. His slot was at 3:30am, yes in the morning! It’s a long weekend of music and conferences and showcases, and by that hour, we are all tired and looking for something new in order to keep us awake! Well, Craig played his heart out, like I have never seen or heard him before.  There’s no doubt about it, he’s got the soul and he shares it.

Paulo Nutini

This guy has a voice, and stage presence and the SONGs he writes, no wonder he is Scotland’s gem right now. I had the pleasure of standing on the side of the stage for his show, as it was the same stage I performed on during The Ottawa Bluesfest and what a THRILL!! Run out and get his music, somewhere! He is worth every note.

Fever Ray

There are almost no words to describe the best show of the year. Yes, this list is supposed to be in no particular order, but she, her band was unREAL at Monreal’s Metropolis and yes, the best show of the year. I have to thank my brother for introducing me to this band… their live show is outstanding and is not comparable to anything I have ever seen. Google-ing them will not do justice. Since they are from Sweden, chances are, well you might not get the chance to see a live show for quite some time. The stage was covered in old lamps that turned on and off in rhythm with the beats, and their laser show was surreal, floating colours all through the venue. The bass was so load your whole body moved even when you tried to stand still. What a brilliant time spent.

Magoo & C.R Avery

I went to Blueskies Music festival this year, and this show was the grande finale to a beautiful camping weekend. Magoo is the M.C of the festival and has been for many years. C.R Avery is a poetically musical beat boxer who blows most beat boxers out of the water… but when C.R challenged Magoo to a musical duel, he rose to the occasion blowing every single listeners mind. No one had ever seen such an outstanding performance by Magoo, in all the years, I guess he kept his beat boxing secret… but BOY was he phenomenal, I almost fell off my feet, it was the BEST moment of the weekend by far.

Delhi 2 Dublin

Delhi 2 Dublin was the grande opener to Blueskies Music festival. They brought the entire ‘house’ down with every single attendee dancing up a storm to an amazing band from Vancouver. I have never seen such dancing at Blueskies and this is a festival KNOWN for its dancing and dancers. They even had non-dancers jiving and Loving every minute of it (including me!) Check them out, their mix of Indian singing and Celtic music is quite the combo.

Divine Brown

This was probably the biggest professional show complete with lights, dancers, and a whole separate sound board, almost bigger than the length of the bar at The Black Sheep Inn, and what a BABE! Divine Brown, what an awesome performer, costume changes, dancing, dancers and craziness! All at a little juke box jive joint on the Gatineau River. What a show!!

Steve Earle

I had the pleasure of opening up for Steve Earle at this year’s Ottawa Bluesfest. I got to stand on stage watching him sing solo with guitar, only feet away. It was such an honour to listen to songs like his one’s I have grown up with and made life memories to. What a treat. His voice is still as sweet as ever and his heartstrings still get played and he plays yours too. Singing aloud to Copperhead Road… what a blast.

It's all about the Music.

Been awhile huh? Sorry, computer has been down...  Alas laptop is still dead, cell phone broke in two and my digi cam fell outta my hands one too many times. Is the world trying to tell me something? Slow down in the metal department perhaps? In the meantime I have been playing new music all the time and falling in Love with this new music. If you haven't yet heard of Jadea Kelly, RUSH out and find her CD "Second Spring" Vocally I may compare her to The Sundays or Camera Obscura... I am also enjoying some other newbies on my radar... Trevor Alguire, Rich Burnett and well, have I even mentioned Fever Ray or Bat For Lashes? Gosh, this world is SO full of greatness... I can't even begin to start.  Last night I played a sold out show with YOAV... he is quite the guitarically looping genius. What a guy.  Last weekend, another packed house with the likes of newly formed family band called Phelgm, maybe not the nicest name, but HECK can they play. It makes me wonder what it would have been like to grow up in a musical "jam in the kitchen" type family.. such fun, I'm sure! In the meantime, I have been trying out my newest song "Give, Take" to some happy-liking it people.. seems to be going over quite well!! Yay! With hopes I will be playing it for YOU soon. I'm also writing with another electronical genius from Ireland... Skully! or the musical half of Metisse. Imagine, writing and recording having never met!! Oh, the pure brilliance of the magical inter-web! In the meantime, if you are in the Toronto area next weekend, I will be playing the opening set for The Daniel Sky Band at Not My Dog on the 26th and again at Graffitti's in Kensington Market as part of "Songwriter's Unite" series on the 28th. This weekend will see me volunteering at the Canadian Folk Music Awards... perhaps one day I may win one? You never know what the future will bring, but MUSIC, any kind, had better be there. xo