I don’t know what it is about a grey spring morning, but somehow it gives me more energy than a morning spent with the sun. Sunshine makes me want to be lazy, drink my coffee slower, where a day with thicker, darker air just makes more sense for me to get going. At least my headache is gone!! All this sun after SO MUCH SNOW has done a number to my body and I haven’t been as clear as the sky since the sun-shiny days began. Don’t know what that’s all about. Anyway, today is a new day and thank God for those. I head to Ottawa to play a show down town, I haven’t played Ottawa in months, the band I am sharing the show with (it’s at Irene’s on Bank incase you are reading this and would Love to come listen to some great music on Friday night) is backing Megan Hamilton, a super songstress, her band is called “The Volunteer Canola” (the name having something to do with farming & spring…) Anyhoo, please come down & pretty soon, I’ll be putting a link up with an interview I did on 1010 Talk Radio… Look for it, come see a show, and most of all today is a new day.
Lindsay xox