I saw Canada.

It was broad daylight, but the cabin was dark. So dark that when I opened the blind to see outside, the sun made “flash” marks behind my eyelids when I blinked. Yet  there it was, my first sight of Canada, in four months, the majestic shores of Newfoundland to be exact. I kept thinking it wasn’t real, I mean I knew it was real, that stellar majestic beauty beneath me, but from so far up in the plane she looked like a cpmputer image, almost too beautiful. I kept wishing I could just jump out and see my friends, as I miss them all SO much, it’s not often that I get to sit and play on that rock, so I was a little jealous of the fact that all I could do was see her, while all my friends we re enjoying themselves between various café’s, pubs and living rooms…that view will stay with me til I die though, it was so beautiful and such a welcome sight after being away from my home and native land for a good long stint. Then I saw St. Pierre de Michelon (sp.) and what a cool sight from so far up, France in Canada… well I’ll be!  So here I am feeling a little tired from sitting on my rear for nine hours, watching movie after movie. I’ve been away from the North American language AND gossip, so forgive me if I am a little late in saying this but I hope Nathalie Portman won an oscar for her performance in “Black Swan.” What a show! I always ask for a window seat, I don’t really look out the window all that often so I should probably take the aisle due to the amount of times I have to pee (too much information?) The poor guy beside me was pretty patient with me for most of the journey but I am positive he was happy to see the back of me!! “Excuse me sir, oops! I’m sorry… ha ha ha… oops, excuse me!” I guess it can all get a little boring after awhile. Sometimes I wish I traveled with someone. I am sitting here at the airport waiting for my connection flight, which is late by the way, and I am bogged down with too many kilos, the ones I had to remove from my luggage so I didn’t have to pay an extra 100 bucks and I really don’t want to have to put it all back on to go use the water closet, it’s heavy and I am hot. Oh, and remind me not to stay 40 days longer  than the 90 day allowance in Switzerland. 560 bucks later… I am glad to be home, glad to be back in Canada. Oh and Canada? Don’t forget to mark the June 5th date in your calander…it’s my CD release party at The Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield, now how ‘bout that!!! Hope to see you, sing for you soon . Lindsay xo