Chinney Smoke & Crokuses

  We are into March now and our winter looks as though it has melted away until next year. It’s a pity I say, me, the lassie who has no path to shovel, no windshield to scrape, no ditch to get stuck in. I would have Loved a few more afternoons spent, sliding down a thick white hill in the middle of the gentle and quiet forest. And those lazy mornings sipping a steaming cup of soothing liquid while watching weightless white shapes of various designs float pas t my window frames. See, it’s times like this that I conjure up dreams and ideas to make into some form of “Lindsay reality.” Of course, on looking out the window today, I still see chimney’s at work, keeping their people warm inside. With fires stoked, anything is indeed possible. It can however, get confusing… Mother Nature has started to show us her Spring colour in the form of small flowers we coined as Crokuses. Purple and white reminders of what is to come, not quite bearing the scent of Spring, but tantalizing no less. The apple trees have started to sprout wands that need to be trimmed, and the September 1st hatched chicks laid their first eggs yesterday. Mother Nature….blessing us with the gifts of her small miracles. Upon looking at the hill over yonder, I see what appears to be a halo of sorts, wrapped around the trees… the buds will blossom into flowers and then leaves, and then well… the circle of life runs it’s course and we will all be in sun dresses dancing in the rays of sweet Summer . Dreams are where tomorrow lives. And the night always falls into tomorrow…the one thing we can all be certain of…tomorrow never dies, so that OUR dreams can live! What glorious thoughts all coming from a “one cupe of coffee” morning. Just think what the possibilities are with another cup of Joe coursing through my veins. the meantime, have a listen to a couple of new tunes that I will be putting on my NEW album, these are acoustic version, sung in the streets of Zurich a couple weeks ago. Hope you enjoy!!!