No home to call my own, but I got my Dodge 92...

Greetings from Wakefield Quebec! This is where a lot of my family live, so I like to come here OFTEN. In fact, my brother even has a room here set up for me, with a big fat Marshmallow Bed! Sooooooo comfy! It's painstakingly hot out right now,  almost impossible to go out into... Thankfully, there is one HECK of a glorious River out there, called The Gatineau River. It's SCRUMPTIOUS and super cold, so cold you can't really stay in too long, but that will mend itself soon enough...I tend to fly around a lot, so don't really have ONE fixed address yet.. I suppose, one day, everything, every duck will line up into it's special place, and I may have my very own haven, somewhere on Mother Earth... I wonder where though... So much of me LOVES this community of Wakefield, as it IS like no other, a vortex all in it's own...but my heart is with the Sea on the East coast, in Newfoundland, along with a few extremely close friends, who I miss every day! Then of course, there is that fabulous little spot in Switzerland, another one of my "homes" and they DO have the best Pizza in Luzern, and pretty cool cobble stone streets that echo up and down the walls when you walk (stumble!) home after a good night's "work".  Picton Ontario is also a sweet haven, which fits nicely between both families, the ones in Quebec, and the one's in the Belleville area... ohhhh what to do what to do... I guess all this fancy talk of actually settling down somewhere, well it's all a dream really! One that looks like it's gonna take awhile, as I still have a LOT of work to do, and I must build up my fan base, get my next album out, book a tour, promote the gigs, write new songs, get new shocks for my 92 Dodge... thank GOODness there is a mattress in the back of the van, and it's Summer, so a place to sleep isn't at the TOP of my list of things to do, got THAT one covered anyway... ahhh, but to dream is to live, and one day I will be sleeping in my own home! One HAS to have some sort of goal in life! the meantime, I play, I travel, I gig, I sing, I swim, I write, I sit on a patio with vodka & lemon.....ooh, and it's COTTAGE country time... oooh, how I LOVE Summer so.....I forget how MUCH I actually miss it, but then it comes back to me, and I feel "right" again. And the music life part of my life, has been so generous this past week... a new song, an interview with Xavier Rudd, and playing a radio show with David Gray....Dreams CAN come true!!! xoxoxoox