I wonder how to put it sometimes, and sometimes I sneak out the back door . Saying “So long!” is better left put short, wouldn’t you agree? It’s always an emotional thing, whether you leave the dinner party or the pub, there will always be that one person who looks at you with puppy dog eyes and says “Stay?” That’s why I tend to opt for door number two, at the rear entrance, without a word at all, making sure of course, to let someone know I am exiting, cuz you gotta play it safe! I like to get out of places, see? Sometimes I don’t even want to go to places, so yeah, I can be sneaky! There are times of course, when a Goodbye is absolutely necessary, and it’s those times that make me sad and longing for the next hello. Like today for example, I had to fly away back to mainland Canada, back home from St. John’s Newfoundland. I have been travelling back and forth to Newfoundland since 1998, I can’t believe it’s been 12years! In that time I have developed some of the strongest relationships in my life and I only get to connect with these great Loves of mine once a year, perhaps twice, and well, the odd time on Skype… I know when I get home to Ontario and Quebec, I will have some equally strong relationships to tend to, and for that I am ever so grateful. It’s amazing how much I need you fine supportive folks in my life, and really, instead of ever saying good bye I should be saying “Thank You.”