Wonder Woman Coffee

Have you heard of cowboy coffee? I think it's cooked over fire and pretty gritty at the end. Well I believe in Wonder Woman Coffee. It's coffee that's made perfect to your satisfaction, then poured into a Wonder Woman Coffee cup. Yeah, it's that easy. Fresh ground beans are an asset. (sip) So, I spent my first weekend out at the cottage/cabin/trailer roasting marshmallows & coffee over a blazing yummy smelling fire. I Love the smell of clothing after it's been smoked up all night... definitely one of my favourite scents. I also Love the smell of gasoline, spring flowers, homeade bread in the oven... I am a smell person, those books; Perfume, Jitterbug Perfume, they were made for me. What else... well, life is rolling at a fine speed, I am moving into my van for most of the summer. It's gonna be great, although, if anyone has showers out there (when there's no river or lake to jump in) let me know.  If you want to see a list of shows that I am singing, check out my myspace, it's a really easy layout www.myspace.com/lindsaylive hope to see some of you at a show here or there!!! Lindsay xox