
An Orchid and A Song



I was gifted an orchid plant a few months ago, a friend was moving her office into her home and had too many to keep... Sure why not! I was always under the impression that orchids were hard to take care of. I was wrong! Just one bath a week for a couple hours and presto, healthy plant. Fast forward a few weeks, to Valentine's Day....We found out (yesterday) that most roses, imported to here (Switzerland) are grown in Kenya, Africa. A place where water is sacred and scarce, is using said water to grow roses to be imported to Europe. So a few people get jobs, tending to and growing roses, but so many more are fighting for fresh water. Money over water is never a good thing. I would choose water, every time. The same day we decided to "say NO!" to these 'Fair Trade' roses, our Orchid bloomed for the first time. Timing is everything, and once again, we were given a sign that we are on the right track.



2017 has been good to me, musically speaking. It is always tough, finding the time and discipline, the inspiration and creativity to sit down and really focus hard on writing a song. I seem to get halfway there, and then a new idea comes up and I put aside these quarter/half songs, and soon there are over a hundred halfsies just waiting for completion. Well these days, I seem to be able to focus more and entire songs are born. As an example of my first song of 2017, you can see it and listen to it here: "Flip Side"  it was inspired by having to leave (loved ones, loved places, whatever, leaving something over on the other side and we'll see you on the flip side!)  It isn't easy, bouncing between two countries, always having to say good-bye, but on the other hand, always having to say hello!



Sometimes opportunities present themselves. I had the fortune of recording a music video with Kawaii Sessions, a wonderful studio concept, live off the floor, video shoot in Wattwil, Switzerland. Some musical guests joined in and we played two songs, two takes each. We had an hour and it seemed to go alright! One would think that singing/performing two songs, live off the floor (twice) that an hour would be long enough! Alas, we were finished with only seconds to spare! What you see here is Art in itself, raw and live. The first video: "Two Minds" was released yesterday, Valentine's Day, so that was a nice surprise. Thanks to Patric Menzi and all those at Tonstudio, Wattwill for the sweet recording. And a BIG thank you to my special guests: RYKKA, Timothy Jaromir and Nicci on Electric Guitar.



Sometimes you wonder if anyone is listening at all! It has been YEARS of trucking through the ups and downs of a music career... Ultimately I do it for the music, in and of itself. As Sting once said, Music is it's own reward! Thankfully though, it does seem like some are on board with me. What a waste if I had to do it all alone! So when I woke up yesterday (again, Valentine's Day,) to being recognized by an acclaimed Swiss Music Website, I was feeling pretty good! A nod in my direction (regarding the music I create) is always welcome. So thanks for the SHOUT OUT Mx3...  "Love yourselves & each other folks, happy valentine's day with our great 'HOT TODAY' artist Lindsay Ferguson, listen here!"A fitting day to be a HOT artist ;) Once again folks, it's all about the timing. Thanks for reading and we shall see us next month? 

Spring & Something New

Spring is here! 

Being from Canada, and a very seasonal person, it amazes me how ready I am for Spring now, but two weeks ago I was totally in Winter mode. I Love the seasons, and the changes that come with them. Like that smell of melting; raw earth really gives met that first real notion of this fresh new season. Summer, Fall and Winter really do have their very own first scents, and that Spring smell is indeed here! The next reminder has to be ALL the birdsong! How amazing, to walk through the forest and to hear that orchestra of sound! If you stand there, quietly, you too would be amazed at how many various melodies you will hear. Of course the next sign of this fresh and new season has to bee the crocuses! Aren't they the first Spring flowers??? How Lovely a reminder that warmer weather is arriving.



Lucky for US, we have a few birds to give us fresh eggs. The chickens have only just started laying, but our female duck has been laying for weeks. It's pretty amazing, eating delicious and fresh eggs, knowing they are not riddled with hormones and/or injections of any kind! Hard-boiled duck eggs are even better than chicken eggs! Also when you colour duck eggs (we used markers) over Easter, the ink absorbs into the shell and gives an almost opaque look and feel. Who knew?? Long considered the "dirty egg" I highly disagree! Go ducks go!



  In Canada, you might find folks walking around in shorts. Some will even Spring-ski in T-shirts.  Winter in Canada can be fierce, and the length of it can zap us all,  so any sign of warmth and we Canucks are all in! This Hour Has 22 Minutes describes the start of Canada's Spring season, PERFECTLY....



I am not sure that I would call Spring my favourite season, as the only real swimming you can do is in chlorinated pools, so if swimming doesn't exist than perhaps Summer is my fave? Not really sure...being a seasonal person, I really don't wish for Summer when Winter is here nor Fall when Spring is here, though, I Love them all. We'll leave it a tie then (but don't quote me on that! Ha!)

Something completely unrelated to SPRING... I was given a link to some music I recorded YEARS ago (just guitar and vocals) from a friend of mine whom I worked with so many moons ago... I opened it up and found a new song, well, an old song that was once new, but I had completely forgotten about it, so when I listened to it yesterday, for the first time in seven years (or more!) I  thought I should bring in back into my repetoire... What do you think?

  Okay, well I wish you all the best and most Lovely Spring that 2016 can offer you. Mmmm... Wild Garlic Leaves will be here soon enough! Pesto Season is upon us! Haha.


Lindsay xo