Last night I woke up with the questions again. What to write about today? I rarely have a good idea about what to say in this blog, and really just go on "faith" that the words/thoughts will come. Two nights ago I came up with a perfect topic (in the wee hours) but didn't write it down, so now I have no idea what that was. It happens a lot, great ideas come to me in between sleeps and I say it over and over in my head, really believing that this last time I WILL remember, but rarely do. When will I ever learn to just write it down -my phone (in airplane mode-does that REALLY make a difference??) is right beside my head on my bedside table, it shouldn't be that difficult to just write it down! Anyway, last night an idea came to me and stuck... I thought about taking a break from Facebook and really, truly thought that today would be the day to press pause, for a spell. Maybe a week without??? Of course, upon sitting down this morning, sipping my coffee, and scrolling through Facebook, I thought better of it. I must be addicted. Are we all addicted??? Maybe if I made a promise to stop after a certain time in the day, that could be enough, but am I strong enough? When I think about it, it reminds me of how I felt when I would prepare myself or ponder quitting smoking (almost five years in as a non-smoking-smoker!) Sheesh, is FB really as bad as smoking?? Some would say so. It is difficult to stand-up for FB when someone is really, really against it. Some people (who, obviously are not on FB) will say all sorts of things about how bad it is. Big Brother is watching! Time stealer/waster etc.... Somehow, I know all about this. Just like I always knew that smoking was bad, I still did it!! Yes, I can use the argument that I need FB to promote my music, and/or gigs.... but I also learn SO much from the people on my feed. I don't watch or read the news, so I get it all from FB (just writing that down makes me feel a bit ashamed) but there are some pretty smart people on my feed!! Like, how would I have ever found out that Hitler had a small penis?? Actually, that is one of the big reasons for my idea to cut back. Seeing stuff like that makes me cringe. Also, when I go to sleep at night and I see the SCROLL in my mind and it is actually scrolling, well, I guess that kind of scares me too. But if I didn't have Facebook then I wouldn't have seen all the LOVE I got from this poster (posted yesterday!)
...and I wouldn't have been able to share this beautiful photo of my brother Jeffrey and his kitties, Biskup and Tique. My brother lost his precious girl kitty, Tique (sister to Biskup) on Monday. I will miss that girl, she was always up for a cuddle (unless she wasn't!!)
Oh, and I wouldn't have been privy to listening to NEW Music from my friend Andrea Simms-Karp, who is going under the stage name of "NAVIGER." Her new 7 song album is really good, you can have a listen here : Naviger-Barn Raising. And I wouldn't be able to share the new podcast that I prepared for you yesterday, either! You can listen to "Ramblings/Hamburgers" any time, and there are other podcasts at my Soundcloud site as well as three full albums to listen to.... What would I do without the Social Media Platform that is Facebook?? Perhaps I do need a cleanse for a spell. I just don't know how! Any thoughts on that?? I know that it isn't the most important thing EVER, I really do know that, Somehow, though, it makes me feel more connected to the people... and... and... and..... Ahhh... what to do, what to do??
Lindsay xo