Recently (more and more!) it seems like I am being reminded daily, by the Universe, that what we do, how we choose to live our lives each day has an effect on our land and world. Yeah, I don't want to be preachy, but lately all the signs being thrown in my direction are "be better to the planet" and, in turn, "be better to ourselves." My guess is that we aren't being forced to learn about the Environment in school and instead it's an elective? In my experience, I never knew ANYTHING about it when I was growing up. I used to think that throwing a cigarette butt out the window was totally okay! I never felt an ounce of guilt about flicking that toxic P.O.S to the ground (I know better now, also, I don't smoke anymore.) But it never mattered to me, and now, as "Future Lindsay" I am astonished at myself for the lack of care, which is, inevitably tied into the lack of education. I mean the amounts of chlorine I used to swim in daily, the amount of 'OFF' bug spray I would let seep into my pores on a daily (Summer) basis. It is unimaginable now that I think of it.
The sunscreen we smear all over our kids is also crazy (zinc aside, HERE is an awesome article) All the tests they do which connect cancers to the shit in that cream that go directly into our bloodstream... and from the get go! Right from birth! Bug Spray, Sun Screen, Hair Spray, Anti-Perspirant... what we do to our food! Processed, frozen, canned, greased. What are we like?? We are bombarded daily with facts, lies and opposites. Do this, don't do this!! How are we supposed to make healthy, right choices when there are so many options tugging us in various directions. What is right, what is wrong? (I read once that 'there is no right, there is no wrong but YOU know what is right, and you know what is wrong.) I get that somehow, and I have really made a conscious effort follow my gut instinct more. The way I see it, is, our instinctive nature is really a super power that we all have. So let us be more aware of this super power, listen to it, USE it!
After watching the Documentary "COWSPIRACY" (and being a meat Lover) I realized that it will take a LOT more than flicking off a light in a room that we are not using, picking up (and disposing of) the garbage we find in nature (though, that DOES help, check out the initiative my friend in Thailand has started, he is a 'Trash Hero' check out his site HERE.) or turning off the tap when you are soap-sudding up in the shower/brushing your teeth... Yes, SO much more MOSTLY in the form of cutting back on our meat intake (which we are now doing in our house-hold.) Creating a new habit in your life, in those "small" ways of recycling, composting, gardening, walking more, using public transit... eating less meat... They all seem like easy enough ways to help out ourselves, our planet, our land, our life, yet so many folks out there must be unaware! I see more Tim Horton coffee cups discarded on the side of the road, dotting farmer's fields, scattered in ditches and it's 2016. I mean, again, what are we like?? Is it lack of education? We must be more vocal about teaching our children and our friends how to dispose of garbage and how to use less plastic (without seeming so preachy or snobby.) I am not a snob, but I feel so passionate about this subject and I get so heated about it that I am sure you can "hear" it in the tone of this essay. Sorry to make you feel uncomfortable, eh?? Here is a link to my friends website where your WHOLE LIFE can be transformed... "Life Without Plastic" is amazing. I bought a glass straw for my nephew, and it DOES crash to the ground and NOT smash into a million pieces. The bamboo toothbrush works wonders as well.
Yes, EVERY little bit helps, and starting this new HABIT for ourselves is what is going to help us in the end. A little extra discipline can and will lead to bettering ourselves and our environment. Do not be afraid to stand up for our Mother Earth (in turn, standing up for our Life longing for itself!)
It goes without saying that eating local based and seasonal based foods is also something we could do more of. For years, it never once occurred to me to read the labels. The other day even, the sight of Asparagus had my mouth watering so I grabbed a bunch... then I saw it was from Mexico so I put it back, deciding that SOON it will be in season, and I can wait. It came a LONG way to Europe and who knows if the standards used to grow food in Mexico (or China for that matter) would be legal in Switzerland (or Canada for that matter.) If we read labels and start buying more local food, we would be doing what is right. Plus, helping out a local farmer is BIG time awesome. So to sum it up, buy local, eat less meat and try to use less plastic. Tuck a bag in your purse or in your car and use IT instead of another plastic bag that will never ever compost. The world does not need more plastic...