
I haven't quite figured out how to post the gigs I have updated here on the site, so I will just tell you what I am up to in the next little while where shows are concerned! Friday November 25th 2011

COBOURG ~ Daizies ~ 8pm

Saturday November 26th 2011

BELLEVILLE ~ The Belleville Club ~ 8pm

Thursday December 8th 2011

WAKEFIELD ~ The Black Sheep Inn ~ 8:30pm

My new album "Monkeys Under Stars" WILL be available ONLINE SOON!!! I will let you know, and you can get some NEW muswic into your Ipod! Yay, I can't wait for it to get out there :)

Hope to see you at a show sometime, there will be more coming...


Lindsay xo


A Love Note.

A Love Song It must be the most popular subject for a story, for a movie, for a song. I remember when I was just starting out writing I was told, by someone I looked up to, that there were already enough Love songs out there, write something new, be unique! I held on to that statement, sometimes a little too tightly. But isn’t Love the very thing that binds us together, that keeps us alive? So why not write about it, live about it, jump about it, scream and shout about it? As a woman, I am always looking for that Love connection, so why deny myself something that I feel the strongest about? The impact of words remembered is intense, I still battle that memory when I sit down and write. Love, the universal place where everyone wants to live, that musical palace where life and dreams are born!  Just to be sure, one can still uniquely craft a song about Love, it’s just a matter of letting go of what other people’s likes or dislikes are and going with what you know, going with what works for you, ultimately being yourself til the end! SO blast away any negativity that others try to bestow upon you and write about, sing about what you know. Be YOU.  Let the good times flow and write what you know. On that note,  I think I will go put pen to paper and try to finish the song I’m working on, with hopes to sing it next Saturday in Stittsville or the following Saturday in Belleville… sweet, a new song to look forward to! Let’s hope it’s Love at first sight..err…sound! Bye for now… Lindsay xo

Only Four More Days to Vote :)

That's right folks! My new album "Monkeys Under Stars" was nominated for "Best New Album 2011" by the Ottawa Xpress and it needs your vote.  The survey itself is a long one, but you only need to fill in 15 boxes for it to be "legit." Go to and help a lassie out? Thanking you in advance, I am a very lucky girl to be nominated among SO much talent. Lindsay xo

Hello Beautifuls!

As you can see, I have been working on getting my site updated it's still a work in progress, but if it wasn't for my talented and gorgeous Songstress friend, Christina Maria, this ball would still be still! So a heart felt thank you to my Goddess gal, from Canada all the way to Switzerland, (where Christina is calling "home" these days.) Well, we are now into AUTUMN and out here, in the Hills, the colours are in FULL GLORY, what a scent in the air, so different from Spring yet just as beautiful. It's time to pull out the warm clothes, scarves, mittens and get your fall groove on! This past Summer was a hell of a ride; gigs, festivals, tour, NEW CD!! There was an element of a "Reality Check" as well, which I am still tumbling through. I suppose in life, there are ups and downs, that's normal, but when you are working towards one thing for so long, it can be a royal pain in the arse sometimes when little or no recognition is given... forcing you to question your life, your dreams, your goals, your purpose. The rejection eventually will take it's toll, but no matter what, one must keep on keepin' on...It's friends like Christina, helping a gal out when she is need; friends like these are the light at the end of the tunnel. With so many terrible things happening out there in this crazy fight-filled world, it makes me re-think my issues and makes me truly feel like living (and being okay with) living in the "now." Nothing good ever comes easy, and living with a brain so full of thought can tear one down, can tire a person to the point of tuning out and turning off. It's been a long haul, this "Sweet Musician's Life" and I am not giving up for anything, I just have to remind myself that it's my own path I am on, my very own story...and I just have to be okay with it. Any folks out there with the word "No" between their lips, that's okay too, there are just as many or more with the word "Yes" between their lips (and I would LOVE to find you.) It's a funny world isn't it? We are able to do anything we want in life, it just takes time, Love, sweat and tears and I am still willing to fight to get my sweet songs out, for me, for you, for the universe! My time, as well as yours, WILL come, right? Good. Now that THAT is figured out (phew!) I would like to inform you of an up-coming gig of mine THIS FRIDAY OCT. 7th at Ottawa's Old Town Hall (Main St.) I have the unique fortune of sharing the evening with C.R Avery and I would so LOVE to see some of your smiling faces out there. The doors open at 7:30pm! See you there xo

Listen to my new album "Monkeys Under Stars"

Check out my new album! Eventually when I get my artistic brain around computers, I will get some music up here on my site, but in the meantime, please go to and you can hear my latest labour of Love.

Let me know what you think!!

Next gig is September 24th in Ottawa, and afternoon show at Quinn's on Bank St. from 3-5pm.

See you there...

Lindsay xo

Summer Skies Still

Life is changing again, you can smell it in the air. It brings greatness, this change, and it's scary too. Do you find yourself wanting to throw it all up in the air, and put these pieces together differently,  letting go and starting anew... 'tis the season of change, Summer into Autumn... in full glory. Summertime, sweet summertime, I will miss you. It was so amazing, the blue skies, the sweet songs, the warm breeze, the invigorating black rivers and navy lakes. I started my summer off in the studio and then onto the road across Canada, and then into festivals, onto radios and there was a lot of time spent under water too. There are still 12 days left of this season, enough time, I guess, to get used to the idea of welcoming fall and all its magnificent colour. I have been spending my time house and cat sitting in a beautiful, quaint house, nestled in Sandy Hill, Ottawa... it's been  quite the change from living in the country, where the noisiest thing comes in the form of a crow, and an interesting change from living in a house full of room mates, to no one but me and my guitar. A week or so ago, I held a song writing workshop and the most profound thing about song writing, is that the musical stream is always there, you just have to pick a time and jump in. I must say it is easier when you have the place to yourself, just you and a coupla kitties. I've been riding my bike a lot too. It's a much easier way to get around in big city life. I Love riding down the parkway, on the bike path, alongside the canal...Just yesterday, I visited the house where my Dad grew up in, I imagined him, his siblings and his parents all up in there, living their lives, growing and learning, that sweet history, I could somehow picture it though I have never stepped foot in there. Ahhh you just have to Love the beauty that comes from imagination. It's where all of our dreams come from!! Soon I will move back into the country and get busy changing with the leaves. My new album isn't yet up for sale up on the web, but I promise, when I get my head  screwed on in just a bit more of a "business meets computer" kind of way, it will be there for you... just a little more time and all will be available. I am truly proud of this new album, working with Dean Watson a.k.a friend and musician, it was a process that I quite enjoyed and am so thankful for. I was lucky enough to win a little money from the Big Money Shot, to record and print this record, and it's only a matter of time until it get's "heard." If you want to hear it, I have the whole thing up on and please, make sure to play it loud ;) My next show will be in Ottawa as part of "The Allaire Show" at Quinn's on Bank street. It's an afternoon show so bring out the chilluns if you want... from 3pm til 5pm on Saturday the 24th of September....  Enjoy these last 12 days of Summer... Love Lindsay xo

Wakefest is coming!!

Good morning world! I hope this note finds you well, and fit to enjoy the last days of Summer. There is approximately ONE month left so go out there and have some fun! This weekend in Wakefield, there are lots of exciting things going on, as we will be celebrating the fourth edition of "Wakefest." This weekend long festival will be host to all sorts of great artistic things such as lantern making, silk screening, poetry, fire spinning, theatrical performances, dj's, tree dressing and more! I am hosting a "Song Writer's Workshop" on Sunday the 28th at Le Hibou from 2pm til 4pm, so come on out and let's talk about what works best when writing a song. We all have our own ways to be creative, to write, to sing, and I would Love to share with you what works best for me and of course, I am open to learning more ways to get this bursting musicality out! On Sunday evening from 5pm til 7pm I am a part of a musical tribute to Steve & Stacey Earle, where many of their songs will be featured by wonderful musicians at Kaffe 1870. If you are a Lover of great Americana music, you don't want to miss out on this! Wakefield is a picturesque little village, a half an hour north of Ottawa, nestled in the valley of The Gatineau Hills and set aside the beautiful  and clean Gatineau River. If you are interested in swinging by for a good time, check out you won't be disappointed!! Hope to see you.. Lindsay xo

Save the Gatineau

This Saturday night at The Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield, I am performing for this very important benefit on behalf of the beloved Gatineau River. They, the "bad" people want to put in a septic sludge plant, that will run into the River. When we had our power outage a week or so back, we used the River for everything, for four days, I had drinking water, bathing water etc etc. If there was a septic plant pouring into the Gatineau, a lot of people would have suffered even more during that power outage. There are So many reasons I love that River, and I am NOT alone. Please come and support the River Lovers on a night of great music and good vibes. That's this Saturday night, August 6th. In other news, SOON my new album will be available for purchase on the world wide web, I will very definitely keep you posted. In the meantime stay in the Summertime xo

Living in the Van

It’s not as tough as one would think. I guess the toughest part is finding a shower, lake or river every few days. Having lived out of a van for the past month, it has  a certain sense of freedom, unlike any other. Recently, I just moved from one apartment to the other, and I truly thought I didn’t have that much stuff. Talk about “stuff” being anchors. I am sore all over and my new room looks like dynamite went off in there. Sure, all I have fits in one room, but just having the bare necessities when living in your van is just so much more… simple? It seems as if I get rid of a big bag of clothes every 6 months, only to find more that I don’t want or need. I guess we had better have a clothing exchange SOON ladies! What is it with our obsessions over the material items? Why do we have, collect, feel the need to attain so much stuff? Maybe it was the moon last night, but I couldn’t shake this heavy feeling, wishing we were having a garage sale right there and then. Are you better than me if you have 5 cars and I have 1? Are you better  than me if you have 10 dresses and I have 6?  Is it really that important to have so much stuff? Why is it somehow a measure of one’s worth if they have 25 of something that you only have 2 of. I just don’t get it. I have always heard the expression “less is more.” So why aren’t people picking up on this and learning from it? Do you feel more secure knowing that you house is full to the brim, probably even your basement is full to the brim with boxes filled with things you haven’t even looked at in years. Sure, maybe those things are heirlooms or they might be worth triple the amount in 20 years, but you sure as heck can’t take it with you when you go. All these companies advertising “bigger, better, newer.” No thanks, I am fine with the strereo that already works, the record player that skips sometimes, the toaster oven that toasts fine, the mobile phone that actually takes phone calls, the camera that actually takes photos. Shoes on the other hand, now THAT is an entirely different story. If you are reading this today, I am playing my final set at The Ottawa Bluesfest, though THIS time, its’ a 12noon show and it’s a special stage at Ottawa’s Rideau Centre. Signing out now, maybe I should blog only AFTER my first cuppa joe? Ha! I challenge you to get rid of some of your stuff, donate it, burn it!!! (Oh and on a side note you I really WILL be getting a new website soon. AND you reailly WILL be able to purchase my new record online soon.) Lindsay xo

Written from the passenger side of a Dodge ’92 on the Trans Canada Hwy

  I have just exited Jasper National Park, on entry we were greeted by grazing Elk, majestic beautiful animals, brave and seemingly quite tame. On exiting we were greeting by a pack of mangy big horned Sheep, also quite tame and not bothered by the click of a camera lense. The journey, so far, across Canada has been immense, refreshing and, well,  other worldly. Other worldy because, well, I feel like this Dodge has been transformed into a time machine, mostly because every night spent in a different town and every morning waking to another view is surreal. Also because the terrain of Canada is “8th Wonder-esque, there is no better place on Earth for exciting always changing scenery. If you are reading this, and have been contemplating driving across this stunningly stellar country, I say you MUST. It’s really not as intimidating as I thought it would be. Back home, I put a map of Canada on the wall, marking all the stops with a colour top pin. Envisioning the drive seemed almost impossible while looking at this country as a whole, but once out there, it really isn’t boring at all, and there are always places to stop and stretch along the way. So I highly recommend, even if you aren’t promoting a new album, go for the drive! Of course, this trip hasn’t been all “up and up.” Trying to break into the Canadian music scene on the West coast, wihtout a label or publicist  has been incredibly…hmmm…choose my words carefully… NOT easy. Thankfully I am of the state of mind “The journey is the reward.” And it all starts somewhere, right? We were filling up in some small town in B.C and the attendant noticed I had a guitar and was on tour (thanks to my Mum, having magnets made for the side of my van, featuring ME holding said guitar, my name etc printed on it, I love ya Mum!!) Anyway he mentioned how Alabama almost quit as a band, just before they got their break…it got me thinking on all the other stories I have heard about other bands almost giving up, and then, just around the corner BAM! They were in the right place at the right time. So does that mean I have to pretend to quit in order to get my break? Who knows… we all have our own path, that is for certain. IN the meantime, my last CD release TOUR show (this leg, anyway, East Coast dates, coming soon!) will be on July 5 at The Ottawa Bluesfest. Opening for Tegan & Sara no less! Excited? OH YES! xo